

What is it?

UMA is an award-winning OAuth-based protocol set that helps individuals manage third-party access to their data, content, and service resources across different identity and resource ecosystems.

Value Proposition

Customers, citizens, employees, and partners all demand dynamic access controls in their online experiences.  Developed via an open and transparent standards-based approach, UMA’s flexibility toward users and enterprise authorization makes it a key business innovation enabler for user-managed, fine-grained data sharing and privacy use cases.

UMA Workgroup Logo



Workgroup Status

  • The UMA 2.0 specs have been stable since 2018 (see resource links above)

  • Our more recent efforts have been developing sector-specific use cases to facilitate adoption

Contact Us

  • Alec Laws (WG Chair)

  • Steve Venema (WG Vice Chair)

  • Kantara Administrator

Recent Activities





Jan 12, 2023

The group has re-elected Alec Laws as Chair, and Steve Venema as Vice-Chair for an annual term

Aug 11, 2022

The group has approved a revised charter for the next year!

Apr 4, 2022

The group has released a draft report “Patient-Centric Data Sharing with UMA: The Julie Adams Healthcare Use Case from the Protecting Privacy toPromote Interoperability Work Group” Please send any comments thoughts to our mailing list