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Connected Life Innovation Groups
IRMWG1stSalvatore D'Agostino (LC Secretary)


IRMWG2ndBill Nelson
UMAWG1stEve MalerYes
UMAWG2ndMaciej Machulak
CISWG1stAndrew Hughes (LC Chair)Yes

John Wunderlich

Mark Lizar (LC Vice-Chair)Yes
Mary Hodder
CMSWG1stCorné van Rooij
CMSWG2ndTo be confirmed
Ingo Friese
Thomas Hardjono
Eve Maler
Trust Services Interoperability Groups
IAWG1stKen DaggYes
IAWG2ndScott ShorterYes
HIAWG1stNON-VOTING 2016-09-07

Rainer Hoerbe

eGovWG2ndKeith Uber

John Bradley

FIWG2ndWalter Forbes Hoehn
OTTOWG1stMichael SchwartzWill Lowe & Mike
OTTOWG2ndJanusz Ulanowski
Kantara-Colin WallisYes


NOTE: As of April 19, 2017, February 2018 for calculation of quorum there are 7 WGs8 Work Groups.

Agenda and Meeting Notes

Consent Management Solutions WG has been launched. Collecting Participants now - first meeting mid-January.
TopicDesired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll CallQuorum was achieved<<<Quorum status>>>
Agenda Confirmation

New items:

  • Upcoming conferences and speaking proposals
  • Kantara Plenaries 2018
  • Group Plans for 2018
  • LC Elections
    • Andrew, Mark and Sal are willing to continue as Chair, Vice, Secretary
    • No other nominations were received
  • Discussion about Kantara voting procedures for publications
  • Brief discussion about publication repositories (a.k.a. 'Why does Kantara insist that we generate a PDF version of our specs?')
  • Discussion about Leadership Council Objectives for 2018 & how it relates to the overall Kantara mission
Minutes confirmation

Draft minutes for approval:

2018-01-17 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-12-20 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-11-15 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-10-18 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-08-16 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-05-17 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-03-15 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-01-18 Meeting Notes DRAFT

"To approve listed meeting minutes"

Motion by:




Organizational Updates
Executive Director and Staff Report

Director's Corner: 2017: December & the year in review

Membership Restructure changes to take effect January 4,




 The following 7 and earlier publications were downloaded over 700 times - demonstrably proving Kantara's contribution to the global identity and personal data communities - members and non members. 
  • UMA 2.0 finished development and just completed its 2nd 45-day IPR & public review before minor edits and official publication.
  • Consent Receipt v1.0 was published, v1.1 developed completed and is nearing the end of its 45-day IPR & public review period, with official publication in March.
  • SAML V2.0 Implementation Profile for Federation Interoperability finished and completes its 2nd 45-day IPR & public review on


    1st, superseding the eGovernment Implementation Profile V2.0 of 2011.
  • Report completed by the eGov Working Group on the 'Code of Conduct for Relying Parties for services to Government' is being prepared for official publication. 
  • Report completed and published by the IRM Working Group on 'Refining the Design Principles of Identity Relationship Management', building on implementation experience from the original report a year or so earlier with a similar name.  

  • Report completed and published from the Blockchain and Smart Contracts Discussion Group. Here is a quote from a large US federal agency employee. "It was a pleasure to read, both well written and informative. (I’ve been reading a lot of BAD blockchain papers and articles lately;-)). The discussion of Smart Contracts is the best I’ve read. I’m going to pass it around to try to counter all the crazy Smart Contracts will solve all our problems talk going around the [entity redacted ] right now".
  • Kantara's Service Assessment Criteria for 800-63-3 at IAL2 & AAL2 for future conformity assessment developed and currently out for 45-day IPR & public review.
  • LC Chair Report

    The Kantara Initiative is the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization and good practice.

    Corporate members needed - membership dues offset operational costs and allow the Groups to operate with a 'No-Fee' participation structure


  • Continues to be very strong interest in Consent management and Consent receipt
  • New New Business
    WG/DG Updates

    Administrative Reminders/Requests: Please ensure your WG and DG charters are reasonably current. These are supposed to be reviewed annually.

    IRM WG - WG discussing what the next Publication topic will be

    OTTO WG - OTTO v1 spec under development. Adding budget for developer in 2018

    UMA WG - UMA v2 is now available for download 

    BSC DG - Report is now available for download

    IA WG - Service Assessment Criteria to match NIST SP 800-63 - 3 are in Public Review until January 29 2018

    CIS WG - Consent Receipt Specification v1.1 in Public Review until January 20 2018

    eGov WG - LC Ballot closed - approval for publication of the report

    FI WG - Has a disposition of comments been completed? next step is All member ballot

    IDoT DG- ?What Report is being developed for publication?

    Launching New WG/DG's

    New publication type
    • Andrew proposes to define a new type of Kantara publication: the 'Best Current Practice' Recommendation. This would follow the same intent as with IETF BCP documents. 
    • Currently the publication type: 'Recommendation' has sub-types of 'Recommendation' and 'Technical Specification'. The 'Best Current Practice' would become a third sub-type.
      "The BCP subseries of the RFC series is designed to be a way to standardize practices and the results of community deliberations.  
      A BCP document is subject to the same basic set of procedures as standards track documents and thus is a vehicle by which the IETF 
      community can define and ratify the community's best current thinking on a statement of principle or on what is believed to be the 
      best way to perform some operations or IETF process function."
      Ref: IETF BCP 9
    Long-running Topics
    Action Items Review

    Please take a moment to review the list of action items and do your best to take action.

    GDPR-Related ActivitiesColin has started a GDPR readiness project for Kantara operations
    Policies & Procedures update

    Operating Procedures are being updated to match the current version of Bylaws. Some streamlining and addition of document publication procedures is being proceduresisbeing done as well.

    New boilerplate templates for email ballots are being created.

    Tips and Tricks
    2018 Project Funding

    Document repo/Publications Library

    Good downloads activity in January to start the year

    User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization


    Consent Receipt Recommendation V1.0 Report


    Federated Authorization for User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0


    Report from the Blockchain and Smart  Contracts Discussion Group to the Kantara Initiative


    Identity Assurance Framework: Service Assessment Criteria


    Kantara-presence Events

    List of future events on

    • TIIME, Vienna Feb 5-8: A few of us going, no current plans to workshop toworkshop (but we could), getting tight timewise to announce an EU Plenary there.
    • OWI, DC March 26-28. A few of us going, Kantara panel with Andrew, (Tracy Hulver), me, possibly Mary Hodder and/or Kaliya. If enough LC there could consider a plenary if enough interest.
    • IIW, MV, Tues April 3-5, No plans to sponsor, but ForgeRock has offered its offices on Friday 6th for F2F Board/LC and or Plenary if you want it.
    • RSA April
    • EIC, Munich May Tues 15-18, Pre-conf workshop confirmed for the forthe morning of the 15th. Who will speak at it? I need to know today. Lots of us going and speaking at the main event.. Can do EU plenary on Monday 14th if you enough interest.
    • IPS (Kantara's first ever branded conference), London Tues May 22nd. Who can speak at it? (currently is Mark/Sal, Mike, Colin, Robin W, Allan F (Eve?). We can hold a UK Plenary on Monday or Wednesday if there is enough interest.. and I think there is already.
    • Identiverse, Sun June 24th - 27th, Boston.  Community expo space secured for us @same deal as last year. Gluu already taken alreadytaken 1 of the 4 spots available. Was Cirrus, Gluu and Gluuand last year. Could hold a plenary Sunday morning through mid throughmid afternoon if enough interest. Who has submitted speaking proposals?.. Eve, Andrew and I have.


    2018 Group Plans
  • UMA 2018
    • 2016 plans are now executed - longer than expected
    • Charter and roadmap discussion January 18
      • Joint Consent Receipt / UMA; Legal framework & business model; github issue around extensions
  • IAWG 2018
    • Discussion/Decision needed on which part of IAF/SAC update to do next
      • to happen after the 63-3 based updates are completed
    • Looking at other trust frameworks / new trust marks for new SACs
    • How to assist CSPs to transition from 63-2 to 63-3
  • OTTO 2018
    • More work to do for schema/vocabulary in JSON-LD; finishing up SAML/OIDC; re-edits needed for finalization
    • OTTO v1.0 is possible in 2018
    • Need strategies on adoption - work with a federation to use OTTO
  • CIS 2018
  • Possibilities: 'proof' of implementations via case study; interop testing/approaches; formalization of extensions to meet different regulatory requirements; formalization of profiling to constrain for 'community' implementation; more example for things like Purpose/Purpose categories; contribution to ISO
  • IRM 2018"Relationships as a technique to look at ID Governance"; directory relationships; graph applications;
    Plenary planning
    TopicDiscussion2018 Plenaries
    • Kantara must start having regular in-person Plenaries
    • Probably Europe and North America
      • Spaced 4 months apart? 6 months apart?
    • Options?
      • Tack onto existing conferences?
      • Standalone event with sponsors?
    • Agenda
      • in-person WG meetings?
      • joint WG meetings?
      • "something to hack on" to draw people
      • opportunity for active participants to bring others from their company to see what is coming & value from Kantara
    • Possible dates
      • EIC Munich May 15
        • Pencil in for May 14 / Monday afternoon

    No volunteers to lead the organizing of the event

    NEW Topic as of February 2018 - status update on planning for plenaries in the next 12 months

    Munich, May 14 2018

    • Intent to have a Kantara Annual General Meeting
    • Intent to have a Member Plenary
    • Both to happen the day prior to EIC conference somewhere in Munich - Colin is seeking meeting space at a Member location
    • Financial sponsors for the event would be appreciated (3 x $1000) - modest cost anticipated (but if they want to go big we won't say no!)

    No decision yet on where/when to hold a North America or APAC plenary.



    Discussion about Kantara voting procedures for publications

    Brief discussion about publication repositories (a.k.a. 'Why does Kantara insist that we generate a PDF version of our specs?')

    Discussion about Leadership Council Objectives for 2018 & how it relates to the overall Kantara mission

    2018 Group Plans

    Events with Kantara presence

    October 17-19, 2017
    ConferenceLocationDatesCall for Speakers
    IAPP PSR 2017San DiegoOctober 15-16; 16-18 2017closed
    IIW XXVMountain Viewn/a
    Identity North WestVancouverNovember 7, 8, 2017Closed
    TIIME 2018ViennaFebruary 7-8, 2018n/a
    Privacy and security Conference 19th: Security & Privacy: A Global EvolutionVictoriaFebruary 7-9, 2018Closed
    KnowIdentity 2018WashingtonMarch 26-28, 2018Closed
    IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2018WashingtonMarch 25-26; March 27-28, 2018Closed
    IIW #XXVIMountain ViewApril 3-5, 2017n/a
    RSA 2018San FranciscoApril 16-20, 2018Closed
    Internet2 Global Summit 2018San DiegoMay 6-9, 2018October 30, 2017Closed
    EIC 2018MunichMay 15-18, 2018January 15, 2018Closed
    IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2018TorontoMay 22-23; May 24-25, 2018November 12, 2017Closed
    Identiverse 2018BostonJune 24-27, 2018TBDClosed
    myData 2018HelsinkiAugust 29-31, 2018April 5, 2018

    ** Not listed on Kantara site yet


    Action Items
