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Wiki Markup
h1. LC telecon 2012-01-18


Date and Time


h3. Date and Time

* *Date:* Wednesday, 04 January 2012
* *Time:* 13:00 PT \| 16:00 ET \| 20:00 UTC ([time chart|])
* *Skype:* \+99051000000481
* *US Dial-In:* \+1-805-309-2350 \| Room Code: 402-2737


* [International Dial-In



  1. Roll Call



h3. Agenda

# [Roll Call|]

# Approve [2012-01-04|] Minutes


# April 13-14 F2F in Germany Agenda Discussion


# Continue Discussion on 2012 LC Goals


# WG Updates


# BoT Liaison Representative Update


# Status of Quarterly WG Reports



Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. TBD


  1. TBD


  • TBD


  1. TBD


  1. TBD

Extended Roll Call

Pete Palmer – Security Director @ SureScripts, member of Kantara and its predecessors for several years, has been on many different WGs. At SureScripts runs the largest eprescribing network, so the idea of good standards framework for interoperability is of paramount importance. Co-chair of the HIA WG whose miission is to get identity assurance framework integrated into the community.

Rich Furr – Vice Chair of Identity Assurance WG, which is working to review current ID assurance framework and bring it to where it needs to be. Head of Regulatory Affairs for SAFE BioPharma.

Eve Maler – Chair of User Managed Access WG, which is just over 2 years old now. UMA adds ability to centralize authorizing power.

John Bradley – was not able to provide an introduction due to technical difficulties.

Myisha Frazier-McElveen – recently joined Deloitte, which is now an approved assessor. Chair of Identity Assurance WG, which is focusing on identity assurance and proliferate identity concept.


# Adjourn

h4. Attendees

Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.





h4. [Extended Roll Call\|confluence/display/LC/Roster|]

h4. *Minutes & Notes*

h4. Approve [2012-01-04|] Minutes

*Motion:* xx moves, xx seconds

|| [2012-01-18-A|]\\ | Approve minutes: []\\ ||

*Passed* by xx consent.

h4. April 13-14 F2F in Germany Agenda Discussion

h4. Continue Discussion on 2012 LC Goals

h4. WG Updates

h4. BoT Liason Representative Update

h4. Status of Quarterly WG Reports

h4. AOB

h4. Adjourn

*Next Meeting*
* *Date:* Wednesday, 01 February 2012
* *Time:* 13:00 PT \| 16:00 ET \| 20:00 UTC ([time chart|])<!--  /* Style Definitions */  table.MsoNormalTable 	{mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; 	mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; 	mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; 	mso-style-noshow:yes; 	mso-style-priority:99; 	mso-style-parent:""; 	mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; 	mso-para-margin:0in; 	mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; 	mso-pagination:widow-orphan; 	font-size:10.0pt; 	font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} -->1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; il 13-14 F2F in Germany Agenda Discussion