2012 Meeting Minutes Archive
2012 Meeting Minutes Archive
Completed Action Items from 2012
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20120530-05 | Heather Flanagan | Closed | Send out e-vote regarding accepting AMDG report as a Kantara document | Not necessary since this is not being received as a Recommendation |
20120711-01 | Heather | Complete | Send out a doodle poll to the LC for 2 meetings regarding NSTIC strategy | first call to discuss what it means to have KI participate |
20120711-02 | Heather, Joni | Complete | Review OP regarding dissolution of a working group and come back with a recommendation for Consumer ID | |
20120530-01 | Dervla O'Reilly | Complete | Contact Japan WG chair regarding LC voting participation | |
20120530-03 | Colin Soutar | Complete | Solicit feedback from NSTIC DG regarding industry classification and how Kantara should participate in NSTIC | |
20120530-04 | Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken Dagg | Complete | Come up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagram | |
20120509-01 | all LC | Complete | Review the AMDG Final Report (sent to LC list 08-May) in prep for vote on 23-May | Moving to an e-vote |
20120509-02 | Pete Palmer | Complete | Send info to LC list regarding a combined WG of UMA, P3 WB |
20120425-03 | Joni Brennan | Complete | Provide cohesive statement to LC regarding Kantara Mission for subsequent dissemination and discussion with WG |
20120425-02 | Heather Flanagan | Complete | collect and coordinate input on changes to make to the operating agreement |
20120425-01 | all LC | Complete | Overview of the Operating Procedures by the next meeting and provide input back to list |
- 2012 Draft Agenda - 31 October - 1 November 2012
- 2012 F2F Reading Materials
- DRAFT F2F Agenda: HIAWG, IAWG, P3WG, AMDG - 6-8 August, 2012
- LC telecon 2012-01-04
- LC telecon 2012-02-15
- LC telecon 2012-09-19 - Strategy Call
- LC telecon 2012-10-03 - Strategy Call
- LC telecon 2012-10-17 - Strategy Call
- LC telecon 2012-12-12 - Strategy Call
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-01-18
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-02-01
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-03-07
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-03-21
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-05-09
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-06-20
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-07-18
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-08-22
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-09-12
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-09-26
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-10-10
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-11-07
- LC telecon Minutes 2012-12-19
- LC telecon Notes 2012-04-11
- LC telecon Notes 2012-04-25
- LC telecon Notes 2012-05-30
- LC telecon Notes 2012-07-11
- LC telecon Notes 2012-07-24
- LC telecon Notes 2012-08-29
- LC telecon Notes 2012-12-05
, multiple selections available,