Versions Compared


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  1. Administration:

    • Roll call, determination of quorum.  The meeting is not quorate.

      • Voting- Zaid Al Bukhara, Jimmy Jung, Mark King, Richard Wilsher

      • Non-voting-Mike Magrath

      • Staff-Amanda, Kay  

      • Invited Guests-Lisa Balzereit

    • Minutes approval 

    • Kantara Updates-potential handoff of Denny’s role on IAWG due to RBC request

      • Events

        1. Karyn will be at Think Digital Identity for Government, October 10th, London. Kay is speaking on a panel.

        2. Kay will be at Identity Week Asia, November 7th-8th, Singapore.

        3. Alison and Kay will be at Future Identity Festival, November 13th-14th, London.

      • November/December-BoD elections (open to all organizational members–possible change to include individuals).  Likely not made before this election.  Governance updates are happening.

      • Annual General Meeting: December, possibly the 5th/6th–any conflicts?

      • Global Justice Advisory Committee-advising DOJ regarding standards.  Kay has been in conversation with them that they should be certified with IAL2.

    • Assurance Updates:

      • Kay, Maria,  and David’s fireside chat at Identity Week America: Expectations of more emphasis on equity in future revisions, but details are not available.  

      • Kay also presented on DEIA at Identity Week America, and had a busy table and a roundtable discussion.  Good combo of feds and vendors. 

      • GSA has been talking about establishing a schedule of vendors with Kantara certifications (KI cert is a requirement to get on the schedule).

      • Richard proposed “digitally signing” the trust list-hand off details to Amanda/Kay.

      • Mark King: News from UK-RTR–most providers have chosen to go to the cheapest CB.  

  2.  Discussion:  

    • CO_SAC Updates:  Richard’s updated analysis (an additional note on CO#0050), linked here

    • We would still be requiring this point, but it makes more sense to locate it in #0090.  Jimmy supports this point.

  3. Any Other Business

    • Follow up discussion to Richard’s email on September 26th, 2023 regarding 63B #1900:

      • Sub-clause D was eliminated on an earlier IAWG call.

      • After further consideration, Richard now recommends a minor tweak to the main clause and the retainment of sub-clause D, as the clause actually requires the CSP to respond to a legal instrument requiring that they revoke, so it should be retained.  Changes as noted below (purple text signifying minor differences in main clause):
