2023-10-05 Minutes

2023-10-05 Minutes

  1. Administration:

    • Roll call, determination of quorum.  The meeting is not quorate.

      • Voting- Zaid Al Bukhara, Jimmy Jung, Mark King, Richard Wilsher

      • Non-voting-Mike Magrath

      • Staff-Amanda, Kay  

      • Invited Guests-Lisa Balzereit

    • Minutes approval 

    • Kantara Updates-potential handoff of Denny’s role on IAWG due to RBC request

      • Events

        1. Karyn will be at Think Digital Identity for Government, October 10th, London. Kay is speaking on a panel.

        2. Kay will be at Identity Week Asia, November 7th-8th, Singapore.

        3. Alison and Kay will be at Future Identity Festival, November 13th-14th, London.

      • November/December-BoD elections (open to all organizational members–possible change to include individuals).  Likely not made before this election.  Governance updates are happening.

      • Annual General Meeting: December, possibly the 5th/6th–any conflicts?

      • Global Justice Advisory Committee-advising DOJ regarding standards.  Kay has been in conversation with them that they should be certified with IAL2.

    • Assurance Updates:

      • Kay, Maria,  and David’s fireside chat at Identity Week America: Expectations of more emphasis on equity in future revisions, but details are not available.  

      • Kay also presented on DEIA at Identity Week America, and had a busy table and a roundtable discussion.  Good combo of feds and vendors. 

      • GSA has been talking about establishing a schedule of vendors with Kantara certifications (KI cert is a requirement to get on the schedule).

      • Richard proposed “digitally signing” the trust list-hand off details to Amanda/Kay.

      • Mark King: News from UK-RTR–most providers have chosen to go to the cheapest CB.  

  2.  Discussion:  

    • CO_SAC Updates:  Richard’s updated analysis (an additional note on CO#0050), linked here

    • We would still be requiring this point, but it makes more sense to locate it in #0090.  Jimmy supports this point.

  3. Any Other Business

    • Follow up discussion to Richard’s email on September 26th, 2023 regarding 63B #1900:

      • Sub-clause D was eliminated on an earlier IAWG call.

      • After further consideration, Richard now recommends a minor tweak to the main clause and the retainment of sub-clause D, as the clause actually requires the CSP to respond to a legal instrument requiring that they revoke, so it should be retained.  Changes as noted below (purple text signifying minor differences in main clause):




The CSP SHALL revoke promptly the binding of authenticators to the Subject's online identity and, unless prohibited by any legal instrument, and give notice of such to the Subject, when any one of the following occurs:




the Subject's online identity ceases to exist;  OR




the Subject requests revocation;  OR




the CSP determines that the Subject no longer meets its eligibility requirements;  OR




the CSP is obligated to do so in response to a legal instrument.

  • To be addressed further on the next IAWG call. 

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