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  • Joe Andrieu
  • Judi Clark
  • Iain Henderson
  • Bill Wendell



  • Rob Kost


  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business
  6. Kickstarter Project
  7. C/S Engagement Model Tools paper
  8. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that XX 3 people were voting members and the group met quorum.


  1. Motion to ratify minutes from January 31 and February 7, Feb. 14 held until next meetingpassed unanimously.
  2. Motion to move group call time 8:30AM PST passed unanimously.
3. Prior Action Item Review


  • Judi: Handshake photos (with new infobox) - pending new script
  • Judi: check with my group about VRM+CRM plans, how to attract CRM-sided participants - pendingin progress
  • Joe: draft new script for kickstarter - to do
  • Iain: give Joe feedback on Engagement Model Guide - to do
  • Rob: schedule call with Joe - tomorrow?
4. Old Business

VRM+CRM: calls in progress, trying to narrow possible dates in June, July. Iain & Judi to talk later this week about synergies between UK event (late April) and US event (late June or July).

Customer Commons: discussing bylaws in tomorrow's call.

NSTIC proposal: process is moving forward. Lots of outreach from several parties. Proposal from Switchbook, with ecosystem of others, to operationalize the work ISWG is doing (Standard Information Sharing Agreements, Portable Context). Projects outside the US can't get money, work needs to be done in US. Funding includes legal work by US counsel on Agreements. Seeking participation from C-suite and counsel. First 5 page proposal is due 7 March, first round winners announced 22 March 2012.

5. New Business

Judi resigned as board member of Customer Commons.

6. Kickstarter Project


7. C/S Engagement Model Tools

xJudi & Joe wrapped up efforts, need feedback from Iain. Useful output for Real Estate: demonstration would be more helpful than engagement document. Kickstarter/Podfunder project with Customer Commons proposed, possible with soft launch on Apr 15, more likely May 1. Two questions re: funding: what is that project demonstrating, and what (specifically) are people being asked to fund?

8. Action Items Review
  • Joe: 
  • Bill: think about how to describe the two funding questions

Next Meeting

TUESDAY 28 February 2012 - 90 minutes
Time: 8: noon 30am PST | 3pm 11:30am EST | 8pm 4:30pm UK