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UMA1 Interop Features and Feature Tests

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A feature test identifier has three parts, separated by hyphens. Every identifier starts with FT. The second part indicates the software entity being tested: AS, RS, or C. The third part, which may have embedded hyphens, describes the nature of the test. The supporting clauses in the technical specifications have been classified using feature "tags". The tests are grouped under primary feature tags for ease of test result reporting:

  • config: Machine-readability of entity capabilities and constraints.
  • dynreg: Client registration of resource servers (which are clients of the AS's protection API) and clients of resource servers (which are also clients of the AS's authorization API) at run time when services have not "met" before a resource owner or requesting party forces the issue.
  • pat: "Protection of the protection API" at the authorization server, and the association made between the authorization server, resource server, and resource owner as a result of protection API token (PAT) issuance.
  • aat: "Protection of the authorization API" at the authorization server, and the association made between the authorization server, client, and requesting party as a result of authorization API token (AAT) issuance.
  • protapi: RS-AS communication through the protection API and its various endpoints.
  • authzapi: C-AS communication through the authorization API and its various endpoints.
  • access: C-RS communication through the UMA-protected resource interface for the purpose of attempting and granting or denying access.
  • error: Requirements for error messages.

"config" feature tests.

Feature tests for "config"

Machine-readability of entity capabilities and constraints.


Feature tests for "config"



FT-as-config-datareqAS provides configuration data that conforms to specified formats and provides all required properties and values.

Data conforms and is complete



reqAS makes config data available through https://as_uri/.well-known/uma-configuration.AS config data endpoint uses https: scheme with specific URL form, with a valid certificate
FT-rs-get-config-dataoptRS successfully accesses and parses AS config data properties it needs at https://as_uri/.well-known/uma-configuration, including all endpoint-related properties not specific to the RS and including handling of non-understood extension properties.RS successfully accesses and parses AS config data
FT-c-get-config-dataoptClient successfully accesses and parses AS config data properties it needs at https://as_uri/.well-known/uma-configuration, including all endpoint-related properties not specific to the client and including handling of non-understood extension properties.Client successfully accesses and parses AS config data

Feature tests for "dynreg"


Client registration of resource servers (which are clients of the AS's protection API) and clients of resource servers (which are also clients of the AS's authorization API) at run time when services have not "met" before a resource owner or requesting party forces the issue.

FT-as-dyn-client-regoptAS config data "dynamic_client_endpoint" property is non-nullAS config data "dynamic_client_endpoint" property has a valid URL value for a DynClientReg endpointprovides a URI valueProperty has a URI provided
FT-rs-get-dyn-client-credsoptRS interacts with AS to request and receive client credentials dynamicallyRS gets client credentials dynamically
FT-c-get-dyn-client-credsoptC interacts with AS to request and receive client credentials dynamicallyC gets client credentials dynamically


Feature tests for "pat




"Protection of the protection API" at the authorization server, and the association made between the authorization server, resource server, and resource owner as a result of protection API token (PAT) issuance.

FT-rs-get-patreqAS issues PAT to RS given correct using OAuth authorization_code grant flow (required by the spec) and request for protection API scopeAS issues PAT to RS IFF RS engages correctly and with correct scope
FT-as-pat-configreqAS supports PAT grant types as declared in configuration dataAS configuration data contains at least authorization_code grant type and optionally SAML bearer token grant type for PATsFT-as-require-patreqAS requires OAuth clients of protection API (definitionally, RSs) to present valid OAuth access tokens with protection API scope in order to use endpointsAS allows RSs to make protection API calls IFF they present protection API scope
FT-rs-use-patreqRS presents valid OAuth access token with protection API scope when making calls to all protection API endpointsRS presents PAT to all protection API endpoints

Feature tests for "aat"


"Protection of the authorization API" at the authorization server, and the association made between the authorization server, client, and requesting party as a result of authorization API token (AAT) issuance.

FT-c-get-aatreqAS issues AAT to Client given correct OAuth authorization_code grant flow (required by the spec) and request for authorization AS issues AAT to client IFF client engages correctly and with correct scopeFT-as-aat-samloptAS issues AAT to Client given correct OAuth SAML (urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer) bearer token grant type and request for authorizationAPI scopeAS issues AAT to client IFF client engages correctly and with correct scope
FT-as-aat-configreqAS supports AAT grant types as declared in configuration dataAS configuration data contains at least authorization_code grant type and optionally SAML bearer token grant type for AATsFT-as-require-aatreqAS requires OAuth clients of authorization API (definitionally, Clients) to present valid OAuth access tokens with authorization API scope in order to use endpointsAS allows Client to make authorization API calls IFF they present authorization API scope
FT-c-use-aatreqClient presents valid OAuth access token with authorization API scope when making calls to all authorization API endpointsClient presents AAT to all authorization API endpoints

Feature tests for "protapi"


RS-AS communication through the protection API and its various endpoints.

FT-as-rsrreqAS successfully presents all of the following methods at a resource set registration endpoint of form {rsreguri}/resource_set/{rsid}, and treats others as unsupported: PUT with unique ID to register new resource set description; GET with unique ID to read already-registered resource set description, handling the presence of any policy_uri property in AS's response; PUT with If-Match and unique ID to update already-registered resource set description, handling the presence of any policy_uri property in AS's response; DELETE with a unique ID to delete an already-registered resource set description; and GET on resource_set path to read list of already-registered resource set descriptions.AS presents all elements of resource set registration API correctly 
FT-rs-rsrreqRS successfully uses: PUT with unique ID to register new resource set description; GET with unique ID to read already-registered resource set description, handling the presence of any policy_uri property in AS's response; PUT with If-Match and unique ID to update already-registered resource set description, handling the presence of any policy_uri property in AS's response; DELETE with a unique ID to delete an already-registered resource set description; and GET on resource_set path to read list of already-registered resource set descriptions. RS links to well-formed scope descriptions and provides well-formed resource set descriptions.RS uses all elements of resource set registration API and scope and resource set description formats correctly 
FT-as-rsr-errorreqAS issues errors for resource set registration error conditions, including unsupported_method_type, not_found, and precondition_failed.AS issues resource set registration API errors for error conditions 
FT-as-rsr-scope-extreqIf a scope description contains extension properties, the AS proceeds normally in handling the scope description.AS does not produce an error on encountering extension properties in scope description
Test IDTypeRoleDescriptionSuccess
FT-unprotected-resourcereqRS responds to access request for unprotected or otherwise non-UMA-protected resource without including anything UMA-specific in the responseRS responds in non-UMA fashion
FT-rs-no-rptreqRSRS responds to client not bearing an RPT with HTTP 401 and correct as_uri corresponding to AS protecting the resource to which access was attemptedRS responds with HTTP 401 and as_uri
FT-c-get-rptreqCClient presents valid AAT at AS's RPT endpoint to get RPTClient qualifies for and gets new or refreshed RPT
FT-as-issue-rptreqASAS issues RPT in response to client's request for an RPT at the correct endpoint with a valid AAT; if an existing RPT associated with this AAT was still valid, it is invalidated when the new RPT is issued (see above for issue)AS issues RPT
FT-c-rptreqCC requests access to a resource with an RPT 
FT-rs-introspect-rptreq, rpt-bearerRSRS presents a valid RPT at AS's token introspection endpoint to get token's status (see above for issue).RS gets well-formed RPT statusFT-as-introspect-rptreqASAS returns RPT's status in response to RS requestAS returns well-formed RPT status
FT-rs-invalid-rptreqRSRS responds to client bearing an invalid RPT with HTTP 401 and correct as_uri corresponding to AS protecting the resource to which access was attemptedRS responds with HTTP 401 and as_uriFT-rs-register-permissionreqRSRS presents a valid PAT at AS's permission registration endpoint to register a requested permission that is relevant for the type of access attempted by client (see above issue)RS registers requested permission
FT-as-permission-ticketreqASAS registers permission associated with correct resource owner and resource set and returns securely random permission ticket in response to RS registration of requested permission (see above issue)AS returns permission ticket that is securely random


Feature tests for "authzapi"

C-AS communication through the authorization API and its various endpoints.

rsinsufficientpermsRS responds with HTTP 403, as_uri, and permission ticket
Test IDTypeRoleDescriptionSuccess
FT-c-get-req, rpt-bearerRSRS responds to client bearing a valid "bearer" profile RPT that has insufficient permissions with HTTP 403, as_uri, and permission ticket corresponding to resource for which access was attemptedrptreqCClient presents valid AAT at AS's RPT endpoint to get RPTClient qualifies for and gets new or refreshed RPT
FT-as-issue-rptreqASAS issues RPT in response to client's request for an RPT at the correct endpoint with a valid AAT; if an existing RPT associated with this AAT was still valid, it is invalidated when the new RPT is issued (see above for issue)AS issues RPT
FT-c-add-authz-datareqCClient presents valid AAT, valid RPT, and permission ticket at AS's authorization endpoint to POST request that authorization data be associated with RPTClient receives back normal success or error message
FT-as-deny-authz-datareqASAS determines that the client should not get authorization data, and returns either an invalid_ticket error, an expired_ticket error, or a not_authorized_permission errorAS returns one of the errors
FT-as-give-authz-datareqASAS associates new authorization data with the RPT that the client presented and responds with successAS adds authorization data and responds with success
FT-as-need-claimsreq, rptbearerASAS indicates it needs requesting party claims to considering adding permission to "bearer" profile RPTAS responds to the client with a need_claims error
FT-c-claims-redirectreq, humanrqpCClient redirects human requesting party to AS to provide claims, providing whatever data is required by the selected claim profileAS redirects requesting party to AS
FT-as-oidc-clientopt, claim-oidcASAS correctly acts as OpenID Connect relying party as defined by the OpenID Connect claim profileAS acts correctly?

Feature tests for "access"

C-RS communication through the UMA-protected resource interface for the purpose of attempting and granting or denying access.

Test IDTypeRoleDescriptionSuccess
FT-unprotected-resourcereqRSRS responds to access request for unprotected or otherwise non-UMA-protected resource without including anything UMA-specific in the responseRS responds in non-UMA fashion
FT-rs-no-rptreqRSRS responds to client not bearing an RPT with HTTP 401 and correct as_uri corresponding to AS protecting the resource to which access was attemptedRS responds with HTTP 401 and as_uri
FT-c-rptreqCC requests access to a resource with an RPT 
FT-rs-insufficient-permsreq, rpt-bearerRSRS responds to client bearing a valid "bearer" profile RPT that has insufficient permissions with HTTP 403, as_uri, and permission ticket corresponding to resource for which access was attemptedRS responds with HTTP 403, as_uri, and permission ticket
FT-rs-respect-authz-datareqRSRS limits access to resource that is currently under protection at an AS for which a valid RPT with valid authorization data has not been presented by a clientRS blocks and grants client's access according to RPT's current status

Feature tests for "claims"