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Vision and Mission



Alec Laws (LC Chair)

UMA WG2ndSteve Venema
ANCR WG2ndMark Lizar

jim pasquale (LC Vice Chair)



IA WG1stAndrew Hughes Y
IA WG2nd

Denny PrvuYehoshua Silberstein

FI WG1st

FI WG2nd

Denny Prvu
Jay Meier
Board Rep
Mike Engle
Board Rep
Eric ThompsonY
Staff and Guests
Kantara-Kay ChopardY

Karyn Bright

Kimberly Miller

Amanda GayY
Michael MagrathY

NOTE: As of May 2022 calculation of quorum is based on 7 Work Groups and 1 Board Vote

Date & Time


Desired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call

IPR Announcement

Agenda Confirmation

Minutes confirmation

Organizational Update
Executive Director and Staff Report
  • Hired a new program manager for UK certification program, based in London. 
  • Preparing now for ISO 17065 certification
    • new UK assessors are accredited to do ISO 27000 series certification → Kantara expanding into these certifications
    • in the UK assessors work for Kantara (not the organization being certified)
  • For both identiverse and EIC, will be holding a pre-conference workshop about Kantara. The first one is May 28 
    • Looking for ideas to build on the success of these sessions last year!

LC Chair Report

New Business
Liaison Report

Proposals for new groups

New Groups

Board Update
  • ISO Liason, Andrew/Peter are getting clarity on what Draft documents we can make accessible to WGs and the terms that we can use those documents. Targetting to have instructions by next LC meeting
  • 2024 (and beyond) planning, WG identified as an area of opportunity and improvements
  • Approved a larger budget to expand the scope of Kantara activities e.g. new approval schemes, UK operations. Includes larger revenue targets


WG/DG Updates (Additional)
  • ANCR - Anchored Notice and Consent Receipt
    • working to create a conformance profile for previous consent receipt, includes the updates to the TPI report
  • IAWG – Identity Assurance 
    • 2024 charter approved! New Vice-chair from Notarize (a Kantara trustmarked organization)
    • Getting a round of reviews on next-gen global identity assurance topics
  • UMA
    • group hasn't been active past few months. Still trying to charter for 2024, with a goal to closing the group/wrapping up action items
  • PEMC
    • Accepted to speak at EIC and identiverse 
    • moving forward with discussion around requirements
  • REUP - Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations 
    • received 
  • ISI
  • DeepfakesIDV 
    • more vendors are showing up, from both the biometric liveness captured and identity verification spaces
      • at a critical mass of contributors!
    • progress continues on the report → deadline end of may
    • Have a speaking spot at EIC to present groups output

Long-running Topics
Action Items Review


Policies & Procedures update

Tips and Tricks

2023 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events






BIT Report
BIT Supplementary Document.docx

  • informative supplementary report

Alec moves to approve for publication, Sal seconds, Approved by acclimation 

Alec will share the Kantara templated report after the call and work with Amanda to get it published

Inactive WG Review (FI, ISI)

FI - Alec will inform Keith of the change. Dormant for over a year

ISI - ready to be archived. Dormant for over a year

We will archive these two groups. Content still available in confluence, in the archived spaces area

Policy on AI TranscibersAI Transcribers

Groups are seeing people join with AI assistants, that listen and create transcripts/summaries of the call

issues: That output is available to the tool owner, not the group by default

issues: some items that could be omitted from the minutes would be captured by transciption → group can elect to 'turn it off' 

pro: Would be useful to have for Kantara, minute quality isn't reliable

Controls: clear notice in general, group choice, and at at each group call, zoom access to call

  • approved tools e.g. zoom transcription only,
    • option down to each group to activate the tools? 
    • → no personal transcribers
    • part of the minuting process to include AI transcription on confluence
    • ability to modify transcript if requested

Deferred topic: full recordings for group calls

Operating Procedures Review & Updates

report writing style guides e.g. 

→ include in quality standards for reports/recommendations 

Future Topics:

  • Chair on-boarding materials 
  • Yearly chair training/info sessions
