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Vision and Mission



Alec Laws (LC Chair)

UMA WG2ndSteve Venema
ANCR WG2ndMark Lizar
IA WG1stAndrew Hughes Regrets
IA WG2nd

Yehoshua Silberstein

Denny Prvu
Jay Meier
Board Rep
Mike Engle
Board Rep
Eric Thompson
LC Vice Chair
jim pasquale
Staff and Guests
Kantara-Kay ChopardY

Karyn Bright

Kimberly Miller

Amanda GayY
Jim PY

Michael Magrath

NOTE: As of May 2022 calculation of quorum is based on 5 Work Groups and 1 Board Vote


Desired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call

IPR Announcement

Agenda Confirmation

Minutes confirmation

Organizational Update
Executive Director and Staff Report

Thanks to everyone who provided updated slides for Kay's use at EIC!

LC Chair Report

New Business
Liaison Report

Proposals for new groups

New Groups

Board Update


WG/DG Updates (Additional)
  • ANCR - Anchored Notice and Consent Receipt
  • IAWG – Identity Assurance 
  • UMA
  • PEMC
  • RIUP - Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations 
  • DeepfakesIDV 

Long-running Topics
Action Items Review


Policies & Procedures update

Tips and Tricks

2023 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events




RIUP DII Report – updated for LC review

View file
nameKantara RIUP WG Digital Identifier Inclusion Draft 9 5 15 24_ENDORSED.docx

Please review before the next call! We will vote to approve this document for publication if there are no further revisions

Send any feedback to Jim K or Tom Jones directly via email

Discussion: Kantara publication guide for responsible use of AI


Current Group use

  • Has used it personal for first-drafts/idea generation, not officially in the WG
  • x2: Has used it to edit existing copy, or turn rough content into a more polished language, more sophisticated grammerly
  • None, all content generated by people today
  • Has been used only when already have solid knowledge of the topic

concern, putting content into chat-gpt releases it for free/unrestricted use by openAI/chatgpt. IPR concerns. Some have used personal AI with co-pilot that has clearer IPR setup

risk, human in the loop fallacy, saying that a human will review all AI output doesn't have intended outcome, human is likely to trust the AI vs do additional checking 

risk, using content from AI may be taken from other sources and violate IP/plagarism. 

Possible Guidelines for Report writers/editors:

  • (tool selection) transparency on the harvesting of data in the model, where did the AIs information come from, can it properly attribute it's sources
  • (tool selection) how would we evaluate the quality of the AI being used
  • provide a editor's checklist on use of AI tools during submission for approval
    • did you use AI tool at all?
    • what tools did you use? was it on the approved list?
    • did you use them for proofing?
    • did you use AI to generate unmodified content based on a prompt? (get more than you put in)
    • did you use AI earlier in the research/scoping process?
    • was final product reviewed solely by humans?
  • provide a notice with the publication as result of checklist

Q: should we put a poll out to the membership about use of AI in production of Kantara reports? Or put it out to our workgroups and bring responses back?

Action item, each chair will poll their group at and upcoming meeting and bring results back at the next LC monthly call (or via mailing list)
"Have you used Chat-gpt or other AI tools to help generate or contribute to any group content or reports?"

LC 2024 Elections

Chair Nominations: Alec Laws

Vice-Chair Nominations: John Wunderlich

Secretary Nominations: Sal D'Agostino

John moves to approve the 2024 LC leadership, Jim K seconds. No objections, motion passes by acclimation

Policy on AI transciberstranscribers

Policy on the Use of Automated Transcription Tools

make it clear that transcription was used during a call in the main minutes

transcription not necessarily a good thing vs edited/filtered note taking, edited transcription is a big job

alternative, anyone is free to record/transcribe calls today. the policy could make it clear that personal notes/transcription can only be used for X and not for Y. 

people do join groups and declare they're recording, but questions about use typically come up

  • should be declared, clear use and retention
  • human beings change behaviour when they know their recording, it would change the nature of group activities if there's ubiquitous recording

what are we trying to achieve with the policy?

  • protect members and give safe space to speak
  • give chairs something to point to when there is inappropriate use of automated tools
  • would recording or transcription affect members' ability to join e.g. as they renew their membership
Operating Procedures Review & Updates

Events with Kantara presence




Call for Speakers


** Not listed on Kantara site yet
