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Sep 07, 2016


Representation NameAttended
Connected Life Innovation Groups
IRMWG1stSalvatore D'Agostino (LC Secretary)Yes
IRMWG2ndBill NelsonNo
UMAWG1stEve MalerYes
UMAWG2ndMaciej MachulakNo

John Wunderlich


CISWG Mark Lizar (LC Vice-Chair)Yes
CISWG Mary HodderNo
IDoTDG Ingo FrieseNo
BSCDG Thomas HardjonoNo
BSCDG Eve MalerYes
Trust Services Interoperability Groups
IAWG1stKen Dagg


IAWG2ndAndrew Hughes (LC Chair)Yes
HIAWG1stNON-VOTING 2016-09-07-

Rainer Hoerbe

eGovWG2ndKeith UberNo

John Bradley


FIWG2ndWalter Forbes HoehnNo
OTTOWG1stMichael SchwartzYes
OTTOWG2ndJanusz UlanowskiNo
CISBPDG1Neil McEvoy-
Kantara-Colin WallisYes
Kantara Intern-Eric Prigden


Virtual-Shannon TaylorYes

Agenda and Meeting Notes

TopicDesired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call

Roll call was taken and quorum was achieved.

NOTE: Health ID Assurance WG has no chair, and is excluded from voting status and quorum calculation until a new Chair is selected and in attendance.

Agenda Confirmation

The agenda was reviewed.

Ken noted that there is a Board meeting tomorrow. He is providing the Board with WG/DG updates electronically and will be pulling all updates from the LC Status StackBlog. If you haven't yet updated your status stack blog please do so ASAP.

Ongoing Meetings

Discussed moving the Leadership Council meetings to once per month going forward. Please use the electronic status updates in between meetings.

Motion: Andrew made a motion to change the frequency of the LC calls to once every four weeks with the first meeting being September 7.

Seconded: Eve Maler

Motion carried.

Meeting Minutes

Approve past meeting minutes:

Motion: Eve made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.

Seconded: John Wunderlich

Motion carried.

Blockchain & Smart Contracts DG Discussion

The Blockchain and Smart Contracts Discussion Group is two months into its six month life span. The group has been having discussions on scope. Eve Maler discussed with the LC where the DG is at, what is rising to the top to focus on noting that the ultimate goal of the DG is a report with recommendations. Updates on the DG can be found in the Status StackBlog.

Should anyone have questions, comments suggestions for this DG please email to Eve.

Organization Updates
Executive Director Report

Colin provided an ED report, highlights include:

  • Two events were held in May.
    • MyData in Helsinki: great event, very good awareness for Kantara.
    • Future of Identity Conference in Estonia: invite only event
  • ID Pro
    • Project has taken a lot of staff time as we have taken the opportunity to refresh the GPA and Privacy Policy.
    • Survey to the pledgees launched today
  • Org Health Check
    • Kantara has received non-profit status from the IRS.
  • Membership
    • Looking for ways to provide value to members.
    • Membership in general over the summer is a bit slow but was predicted.
    • Looking to gain new members from the MyData event.
Staff Report

Status update from the staff.

  • All-member Ballots status
    • Identity Assurance Framework approved
  • LC Ballots status
    • NIST DG approved
    • Cloud Identity DG closure approved
    • ID Pro Charter approved
  • Code of Conduct
    • There is no code of conduct in Kantara, something that is on the Kantara project list and will be looking for LC input.
  • Operations
    • Staff is looking at the membership value and structure, more to come.
    • Operating Procedures will be redlined and shared with LC.
LC Chair Report

Status update from LC Chair

  • Andrew reminded everyone that these calls are for all officer's of WG and DG's. Each WG receives one vote. If you are not able to attend send an alternate to the call to represent your WG/DG.
Board of Director Liaison Report & Action RequestsKen reported that the last meeting of the Board was informal, there is a formal meeting tomorrow. Ken is providing the Board with WG/DG updates electronically and will be pulling all updates from the Status StackBlog. If you haven't yet updated your status stack blog please do so ASAP.
New Business

WG/DG Updates

  • IRM
  • CIS
  • IDoT
  • BSC
  • IA
  • HIA
  • eGOV
  • FI
  • OTTO

WG/DG Updates


  • Sal reported that a draft report is being created and reviewed. Would like to see this done within eight weeks and then figure out where the group goes next.


  • Mike reported that the group is still working on their document and hope to have it ready for feedback at the IIW event.


  • Progress is being made on the two projects.


Launching WG/DG Discussion

Discussion of potential new WG/DGs

A parking lot of potential new WG/DG is listed below, as these become closer to reality there will be an opportunity to learn more information.

  • Ken Klingenstein - Scalable Consent
  • Mark Lizar - Consent Conformance
  • Andrew Hughes - Next-Gen IAF
  • Andrew Hughes - FIDO-aware IAF
  • Peter Davis - IoT policy enablement for XACML

Past topics discussed but not yet chartered:

  • Ken Dagg - RP Requirements
Long-running Topics
Action Items ReviewReview action items
Contributor IPRStatus update on changing to Contribution Agreement type
Tips and Tricks

Continued conversation on group and conversation management tips and recommendations.

  • Seeking a tutorial on how to use github to do collaborative document editing
Kantara Policy AuditDiscussion on audit of Kantara policies - including changes to GPA and privacy policy
2017 Project FundingRequests due by the end of September
Document repoStructure revamp and solidification of process
Kantara Publications LibraryAndrew to draft proposal for processes
AOBOpen discussion