2016-08-24 Meeting Minutes

2016-08-24 Meeting Minutes


Aug 24, 2016


Representation NameAttended
Connected Life Innovation Groups
IRMWG1Salvatore D'Agostino (LC Secretary)No
IRMWG2Bill NelsonNo
UMAWG1Eve MalerNo
UMAWG2Maciej MachulakNo

John Wunderlich


CISWG Mark Lizar (LC Vice-Chair)Yes
CISWG Former user (Deleted)Yes
IDoTDG Ingo FrieseYes
BSCDG Thomas HardjonoNo
BSCDG Eve MalerNo
Trust Services Interoperability Groups
IAWG1Ken Dagg


IAWG2Andrew Hughes (LC Chair)Yes

Rainer Hoerbe

eGovWG2Keith UberNo

John Bradley


FIWG2Walter Forbes HoehnNo
OTTOWG1Michael SchwartzYes
OTTOWG2Janusz UlanowskiNo
Kantara-Colin WallisYes
Kantara Intern-Eric PrigdenYes
Virtual-Shannon TaylorYes

Agenda and Meeting Notes


Meeting Administration

Roll Call

Quorum not achieved at the start of the meeting.

Agenda Confirmation

No additional items were received for today's meeting.

Meeting Minutes

Approve past meeting minutes

Minutes were not voted on as quorum was not achieved.

Organization Updates

Executive Director Report

Colin has posted his report online, please read at your leisure. Colin noted that August is proving to be busy with MyData, CIS, ID Pro Initiative etc. We are always looking for volunteers and engaged participants!

Staff Report
  • Electronic ballots in progress
    • All Member Ballot: IAF 1400 SAC v4.6.0 (Aug/Sept)
      • Thus far the all member ballot has received four votes. If you are a member and haven't received an email on how to vote please let Shannon know.
  • Update Operating Procedures
    • Redline updates will be presented to the LC; possibly also to the bylaws.
  • Member Value Prop discussion/market repositioning
    • Staff is evaluating the current value proposition and will likely be making updates that will be presented to the LC.
  • Membership categories and dues structure (in progress)
    • Similar review is ongoing with the current membership categories and dues structure. LC will be presented with changes.
  • Significant progress in Kantara Europe.
Upcoming events of interest to Kantara/Members

Aug/Sept: MyData, Future of Identity, Open Consent for Real Consent

Board of Directors Liaison Report
& Action Requests 

Ken noted that the last call did not reach quorum; health of the organization was discussed. With vacations and summer schedules there hasn't been much activity with the Board.

The Board has requested a written report on WG/DG activity; Ken will use the group status stack to provide this information to the Board. Please keep your status stack updated!

There was a question regarding the IEEE liaison role and relationship as there is ongoing work through the working groups. This will be discussed further offline.

New Business

Voting: Digital ID Pro DG Charter

Approve the Digital ID Pro DG Charter which was circulated via email.

Quorum not achieved. Action: Shannon issue via eBallot.

Voting: Cloud ID Security Best Practices

Archive the Cloud ID Security Best Practices Group due to inactivity.

Andrew reported that this group hasn't been active in over a year. The group may choose to recharter if there is further work to be done.

Quorum not achieved. Action: Shannon issue via eBallot.

WG/DG Updates

  • IRM
  • CIS
  • IDoT
  • BSC
  • IA
  • HIA
  • eGOV
  • FI
  • OTTO

Please continue to update the status of your WG/DG in the Status Stack.

August 24, 2016 specific reports:

  • IDoTDG: Ingo reported that he will continue work on the IEEE-P2413. There remains open space, issues and challenges. Ingo is exploring methods to reboost the DG; Ingo has topical ideas that the DG can discuss. Andrew noted that one of the official outputs of DG's is a Kantara report - it was suggested that the IDoTDG write a report about the topics of discussion. This report leads the group from the talking phase to the doing phase.
  • CISWG: John W. reported that the group is divided into two workstreams:
    • Consent Receipt: published an implementers test version just a couple of weeks ago. Andrew noted that he has created a project for the Kantara to work on recommendations from the audit that CIS produced in May.
    • User Submitted Terms: working with customer commons
  • IAWG: Service Assessment Criteria is under all member vote; submitted comments to NIST on 800v3; received a mapping from IDESG to the Service Assessment Criteria.
  • HIAWG: stalled as there is no chair currently; Andrew is trying to assess next steps and fill the chair position if there is a need for this group to continue.
  • eGovWG: the last call was lightly attended; current work is leftover from last year.
  • FIWG: John B. reported that the work on the performance profile has been completed. Now looking to get further input on the deployment profile.
  • OTTOWG: Mike reported that progress is being made on defining the endpoints and the schema for the federation operator to publish API's. Also started movement on developing. One of the last pieces to do is to define how schema is defined which has actively been under discussion. Current work is on Kantara GitHub.

GitHub is at times being used in place of Confluence. There may be a plug-in that transfers content from GitHub to Confluence.

Action: Colin to ressurect the policy draft for using GitHub.

Launching WG/DG Discussion

Discussion of potential new WG/DGs:

A discussion group is proposed for "DRAFT NISTIR 8112 Draft Community Feedback Discussion Group". The idea is to have a member meeting to talk about the content of the draft and provide feedback. The comment period ends at the end of September so this DG will need to move quickly as there will be no purpose for the DG once the comment period closes.

  • Action: Andrew will circulate an email with detail so this can move quickly.

A parking lot of potential new WG/DG is listed below, as these become closer to reality there will be an opportunity to learn more information.

  • Ken Klingenstein - Scalable Consent
  • Mark Lizar - Consent Conformance
  • Andrew Hughes - Next-Gen IAF
  • Andrew Hughes - FIDO-aware IAF
  • Peter Davis - IoT policy enablement for XACML

Past topics discussed but not yet chartered:

  • Ken Dagg - RP Requirements

Long-running Topics

Action Items ReviewAndrew/Shannon need to review the current action items.
Contributor IPR No progress to date.
Tips and TricksContinued conversation on group and conversation management tips and recommendations. (No discussion at the August 24 meeting.)
Kantara Policy Audit

Discussion on audit of Kantara policies - including changes to GPA and privacy policy

  • Andrew noted that the Kantara intern, Eric Prigden, is working on implementing the recommendations from the CISWG audit.
2017 Project FundingAnother reminder that funding requests are due by the end of September. Contact Andrew and/or Colin if you have any questions.
Document repoStructure revamp and solidification of process are related to the management of artifacts related to policies and a content library. This will take some time over the next few months.
Kantara Publications LibraryAndrew to draft proposal for processes
AOBOpen Discussion

Meeting Adjournment