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  1.  Mark Lizar
  2. Jeff Stollman
  3. Susan Landau
  4. Rich Furr
  5. Bob

NON Voting

  1. Joni
  2. Bob Pinheiro


  1. Robin Wilton
  2. Georgia
  3. Abbie



1. Roll Call
2. Action Item updates

Jeff: The first two items review for Abbie and Robin who are not on the call.

Jeff: Update about letter being sent to BIPAC regarding advertising the P3 WG to CPO's from the private sector. 

Bob: Brings upNASPO -(North American Standards Product Organisation) Is a standards organisations : There was a recommendation that a standardized method of proffing/enrollment of identities. 

Bob: Suggesting Kantara to get involved in NASPO but have not a go ahead from the Leadership Council.  Was  originally an effort from ANSI for an ANSI standard.    Also plays into a national strategy for trusted identities in cyberspace.

Rich: explains there was luke warm towards the NASPO effort from the IAWG, not sure of the benefits.  The pay to play nature and the lack of Federal Gov contribution to this effort may makes it difficult to encourage  IAWG to participate.

Rich: explains that the effort to proof breeder documents

Bob: responds that answer is a bit confused. Orignally the IDSP was to get a way to prove identity when they go and get a breeder document, not validate a breeder document.   That it was for a breeder document there was some confusion that this was for validating a breeder document which was not the intent.

Rich explains that there is lack of standards for providing documents and in 16 states there is low security on this. 

Bob:This question then is that there needs to be a standardized way to present identity creditials (identity proofing) in breeder documents.

Jeff asks if this should be a P3 issue? Should we wait and see?  Is this something for the P3 vote.  What are the privacy implications of a national standard in identity proofing.

Bob thinks that Kantara needs to be apart of that national conversation.

Rich suggests that we wait and see perhaps there is a public comment. 

Bob -  brought it up because there are a lot of banks or other organisations that need people to verify identities when they open accounts. NASPO needs $60K to begin work, but it doesn't look as though Kantara will be making a contribution to that effort, due to the (apparent) lukewarm support within Kantara.

Item: Conference Attendance

Smart Card Alliance Symposium?  Date 16th Nov in Washington - Invited P3/Kantara if they are going to pre-conference work shop.  Rich suggests that it is unlikely that he can attend as there is no budget for conference.

Joni: They are offering Kantara a pre-workshop demo/presentation - there is an opportunity to share this space for 3 Kantara working groups.  An educational Opportunity and good coverage for those if we could attend. -Its a great opportuntity to foster cross communication that is covered in multiple groups. 

Rich - A joint effort could develop as a IA effort to promote Kantara activities in this space.

ACTION: Who would want to participate in a workshop in the DC area.  Sending out an email to the group to ascertain interest.

Jeff maybe able to attend as he is local to the meeting.

Rich says John Schumacher, the tech ops person, he may be able to make it to the meeting.

Paris Meeting Doodle Poll

Update from Mark on facilities

Joni says Dervla is looking into the amount of meeting slots, there are multiple meeting slots.  Joni was wondering if dervla could book a space ? ACTION: Joni will let Dervla know that she should book a space tentatively and we can circulate this time slot to the list for people to confirm attendance.

Discussed potential participation of Kantara in workshop that is educational opportunity. Discussed the idea  three Kantara WG HIAWG, IAWG, and P3  participating at conference to present efforts.Explore overlap between in privacy, would like to promote cross attendence to groups and fosetering that  relationship between the privacy and Identity proofing lines is a good activity.   Interacting to provide a unifying story for these efforts will also be useful.

P3 doesnt have a demo, what would P3 present? Joni suggests that P3 could participate in a workshop.  Joni suggests that she would like to foster participation across working groups

Action: Poll on who would like to participate in a face to face at Workshop in DC.

Item: P3 Calendar

Joni - First is P3 calendar, Second is Community Calendar,

Alot of these meetings are already listed in the community calendar, we can look at the community events then add to the event matrix what events we may attend to. 

Discussed adding information to event matrix in conjunction with calls (during calls) encourage people to add there own information.  Asking people to self list there names beside the event in the matrix during the call as well. 

Jeff- ISO Privacy Steering Committee - Berlin - October 8 & 9

NSSOT (National Strategy Trusted Identity In Cyberspace )  - Strategy for identity ecosystem.  There is a link on the community list, this can be read and comments can be made on their website.

Kantara Initiative Meeting in EMA - Presentation was well recieved which led to a follow-up meeting in Oslo.

Mexico Laws mentioned but there is no one all call following.

Privacy Module is no longer an Agenda Item as this is now the Privacy Framework Whitpaper

3. Approve minutes from previous meeting

- Not approved

4. Subgroup Reports

- No subgroup reports

Administration occurred on removing some sub-groups from the meeting Agenda.

- Space Time

- Consent Anti-Patterns

- Privacy Module

A lot of efforts are now merged under this work effort

5. All Other Business

Jeff: Privacy Rights vs New Technology Terms of Service

Geolocation, Sink My Ride, VID. Photocopiers, Medical Devices that are Wireless.  Lots of technical security gaps and an opportunity in addressing new technology. This is being looked at by Europrise.

Jeff will report on Europrise on the next call.

6. Review Action Items


Next Meeting

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