Versions Compared


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Voting participants: Mark Hapner; Martin Smith; Ken Dagg; Tom Jones; Mark KingStaff: ; Richard Wilsher. Jimmy Jung; Sarah Chu; Colin Wallis, Ruth Puente


Staff reports and updates

  • Colin explained that in terms of September Newsletter and the Director’s corner, he has not done it yet, he has been really busy these days.Colin provided some background about SAFE Biopharma. Colin said that later shared the PR about SAFE-Kantara collaboration agreement, and said that they created a new organization called SAFE Identity. He commented that they recognize Kantara’s capability and expertise in the non-PKI area. Colin added that the agreement is a very good one.Colin mentioned that the other important thing is  
  • He commented that he is on the Advisory Board of digital partnersThink Digital Partners, which is a UK conference. He commented , and that he is writing about legislation , since they asked the Advisory Board to write.
  • There is another announcement next week. Colin remarked that busy days are coming for the team.
  • on digital identity. 
  • Ken commented that SAFE-Kantara collaboration Agreement agreement is a major step forward in a very strategic space.


LC reports and updates

  • Ken explained there is nothing much to report on LC.Colin asked about mDL. Ken said there is an mDL draft charter for privacy in the mDL space, in essence that is being voted by LC. The new discussion group is going to generate a report about dealing with privacy in the mDL. Ken encouraged everyone the participants to get involved on this.



  • Ken commented that the comments that Mark has been working on are due tomorrow.
  • Mark mentioned that the main point here is that the European Commission, a week before the end of the consultation, announced a completely new way of doing things. They are planning to propose identification at European level rather than national level.Mark added that Colin has taken the lead on knocking by comments. There were no significant comments, apart from the one he would like to thank Martin for his discussion earlier on this.
  • Ken asked if the UK is aware about Kantara Europe. Colin said yes.
  • Ruth explained that Kantara is a partner on a European commission funding project. The European commission knows Kantara Europe on the NGI communityhe suggested to read page 36 of the Economist. 
  • Ruth said that the European Commission knows Kantara Europe from the NGI community/H2020 R&D funding, because Kantara is running NGI Trust projects . It is another side of the European commission and it is positive.Colin observed that European commission looks at Kantara in a different way than they do in the US, Canada and North America.along with other partners. 
  • Ken clarified that these comments are being reviewed by Kantara experts within the Assurance working group and he suggested to add "international" after "open".
  • Mark thanked the team for the support.
  • Motion: To approve IAWG comments on eIDAS. Moved: Martin Smith; Seconded: Richard Wilsher. Unanimous approval.


Criteria Guidance - Review and approve suggested change for 63B#0010

  • Ken said he committed an error, he overlooked one comment in the preparation of the 63B Service Assessment Criteria before releasing into the All Member ballot. He apologized for that error.
  • Richard explained that he came up with a very simple new criterion “The CSP SHALL authenticate a Claimant at at least the requested AAL”.
  • Ken asked to go back to the NIST requirement. Richard said this is one of those vague NIST requirements. Richard clarified that what really matters is the level of Assurance of the credential with respect with the level of Assurance that is being required.
  • Mark said he likes the idea, although he would be interested if anybody knows of the implications if anything is paid for on a case by case basis, whether supplying more than you are asked for it. The position of any provider in the middle is quite messy. Ken said these are technical requirements.
  • Martin pointed out he is fine with the language.
  • Colin argued remarked that this is a non-material change.
  • Ruth commented that given that the LC ratified the versionsSACs, she believes that the only expected step here would be suggested to notify LC chair Chair about this material change and to explain about all the commercial pressure on this . This was expected to be ready early September and it is being done in the middle of October. She suggested Ken to notify Andrew (LC chair) and that would be good.due to CSPs are waiting to be assessed against the new and revised criteria. Ken will write an email to Andrew explaining the situation.
  • Motion: To approve revised criteria 63B#0010. Moved: Jimmy Jung; Seconded: Mark Hapner. Carried unanimously with one abstention (Richard Wilsher abstained). 
