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Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

Table of Contents


DRAFT agendaMeeting notes - call not quorate


Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Minutes approval: IAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-05-16IAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-05-30IAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-06-06
    4. Action Item Review
    5. Staff reports and updates
    6. LC reports and updates
    7. Call for Participant news & tweet-worthy items (@KantaraNews or #kantara)
  2. Discussion
    1. Feedback to the Government of Canada on "Guidelines on Identity Assurance"
    2. Feedback to Chair on draft "RP Guidelines call for participation"
    3. Alignment with SP 800-63 - Discussion
    4. Agile IAF status discussion
  3. AOB
    1. Glossary status update
  4. Adjourn


Link to IAWG Roster

As of 7 June 2013, quorum is 5 of 8


Meeting not at quorum


  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Scott Shorter
  • Cathy Tilton


  • Rich Furr
  • Ken Dagg
  • Terry Gold,


  • not present

Notes & Minutes


Action Item Review

See running table below

Minutes Approval

Meeting not quorate, defer approvals

Staff Updates
  • No updates
LC Updates
  • No significant updates
Participant updates
  • NSA is starting to work with IDESG on an "Attribute Practices Statement" - broadly parallel to PKI Certificate Practices statement
  • ICAM has done work on an Attribute Registry in support of the Back End Attribute service
  • NSTIC IDESG Trust Framework and Accreditation WG met yesterday - group agreed that existing FICAM + Federal Bridge TFPs are likely to be grandfathered into the IDESG Accreditation program.


Feedback to the Government of Canada on "Guidelines on Identity Assurance"
  • Ken Dagg has received some comments - will reflect back unattributed list to this group for awareness
  • Feedback by COB today
Feedback on RP Guidelines Call for Participation
  • Some feedback received
  • Feedback by COB today
Alignment with SP 800-63 - Discussion
  • Rich reviewed documents, provided some feedback - looks consistent with 800-63-2
  • Question: When should the IAF be ported into a Content Management System?
    • It must be done - the question is 'when'
    • Some study needs to happen to determine requirements
    • Idea is to have a CMS with the master copy, then export to any required format
    • Where would this fit in the roadmap?
    • Probably Q3 - it is a priority - but need work effort to do this
    • Myisha will discuss this with Joni & raise the question of funding possibilities
Agile IAF Status
  • ARB recently requested recommendation from IAWG about what should and could be done to accommodate current types of Applications
  • Suggestion that name of the effort change to "Modular IAF"
  • Long email discussions in the sub-group exploring issues
  • Myisha circulated a draft note to IAWG for comment
  • Discussion about scopes, cross-certification clarification, role of RP


  • The sub-group provided feedback on the Glossary draft
    • Issues identified - circular references exist
    • About 4 weeks for turnaround of next version
    • Comment made that IDESG is looking for Glossary sources

Action Items

Item #DescriptionAssigned toEst. CompletionStatus
2013-06-06-001Review and provide feedback on Govt. Canada guideline. IAWG will collect and send a consolidated version.All13 June 2013Complete - Closed
2013-06-06-002Review RGW 800-63-2 vs KI IAF mapping documents and provide feedbackAll20 June 2013In progress
2013-06-06-003Review and provide feed back to Myisha on Relying Party Guidelines call for participationAll13 June 2013Complete - Closed
2013-06-06-004Send in event information to Staff for updating the community calendar and Upcoming EventsAllInfo onlyInfo-Closed
2013-06-06-005IAWG-NIST F2F in DC area to discuss approach and feedback on 800-63 v IAF analysis approachStaff / IAWG LeadsTBDNot started
2013-06-13-001Chair to discuss with Exec. Director the need for a Content Management System analysis and potential tool for IAF/SAC & funding optionsMyisha20 June 2013 
2013-06-13-002Glossary updates underway. Next draft should be available in 4 weeksKen Dagg11 July 2013 



Guideline on Identity Assurance-Consultation Draft Apr 25 2013.pdf



Next Meeting
