Voting Participants: Martin Smith, James Jung, Richard Wilsher, Mark Hapner, Denny Prvu
Non-voting participants: Lorrayne Auld, Chris Olsen
Staff: Lynzie Adams
Proposed Agenda
Roll call, determination of quorum
Minutes approval - 2022-10-13 Minutes
General Updates
Assurance Updates
Assurance Program Recommendations
Any Other Business
Meeting Notes
Administrative Items:
IAWG Vice Chair Martin Smith called the meeting to order. Roll was called. Meeting was quorate.
Lorrayne said she recently heard mid-November for the Revision 4 draft.
Assurance Program Recommendations
Richard presented the recommendations put together by the small task force (Eric Thompson, Jimmy, Denny, Lynzie, & Richard) summing up the discussions around the assurance program that occurred the past few months in IAWG meetings. The draft is available for review and comment on Google. All IAWG members are encouraged to review and comment.
Martin suggested a timeline to when we want these completed - or at least dependencies. Lynzie thinks the IAWG, ARB and KIBoD all need to be socialized to these before we move forward with a timeline of completing the tasks. Additionally, pull out the questions that still need addressed.
Any Other Business
IAWG leadership keeps an action item list.
All IAWG participants should be aware that the spreadsheet exists and that it lists everything we think the IAWG is working on or planning to work on. Please feel free to review it and correct it if needed - it is not our intent to overlook something!