2022-10-13 Minutes

2022-10-13 Minutes


Voting Participants: Martin Smith, James Jung, Maria Vachino, Richard Wilsher, Mark Hapner, Denny Prvu, Michael Magrath
Non-voting participants: Eric Thompson, Lorrayne Auld
Staff: Lynzie Adams

Proposed Agenda

  1. Administration:

    • Roll call, determination of quorum

    • Minutes approval - 2022-09-15 Minutes

    • General Updates

    • Assurance Updates

  2.  Discussion: 

    • Charter Review - review for suggestions/updates/edits, specifically sections #3-5

  3. Any Other Business

Meeting Notes 

Administrative Items:

IAWG Vice Chair Martin Smith called the meeting to order.  Roll was called. Meeting was quorate. 

Minutes approval:   

Jimmy Jung moved to approve the draft minutes from the September 15 IAWG meeting. Mark Hapner seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections. 

Michael asked that we revisit the S.1625 - Securing and Enabling Commerce Using Remote and Electronic Notarization Act of 2021 topic. Part of that includes allowing notaries nationwide to perform remote online notarizations.

General Updates:

  • Airside Mobile was recently approved for the Assurance Program at IAL2 Technical. They have inquired about a timeline for removing Technical and noted that they do not feel they have a ‘partial’ service. This is another example of CSPs not preferring the partial label. They were made aware that the changes are forthcoming.

  • Annual All Member General Meeting is on December 7. You do not need to be a member to be in IAWG, but if you are a member and want to attend, please note it on your calendar. Lynzie would like to have all Assurance Program updates ready for that meeting.

  • A call for nominations for the Kantara Board of Directors is also coming soon. Your organization must be a Kantara member to run for a Board spot. Watch for the email to submit nominations or reach out to Kay.

  • Similarly, the leadership roles of Chair and Vice Chair of IAWG will be up for nominations in the coming weeks. Lynzie will remain the secretary. Watch for an email from Lynzie for official nomination requests later this month.

    • Martin will run as Vice-Chair again if necessary, but he encourages others to step-up if they are interested! He is happy to speak with anyone who is interested.

Richard asked about a timeline for having the Assurance Program updates ready for AGM and who all needs to see the revisions. Lynzie plans to run everything past the ARB prior to implementing any changes. Eric believes the Board needs to review the revisions as well. Lynzie and Richard will work on a timeline to complete everything by 12/7. It is not expected that the work to remove Technical will be completed by the AGM.

IAWG leadership is looking for a way to keep our action least cleaned up and ensuring topics that are brought up are either acted upon or dropped if no action is needed. It was suggested that if you want to discuss a topic, it should go on the next agenda where the person can share ideas for what the group could do and allow the group to decide whether or not to act.

Assurance Updates:

Martin addressed the lack of 63-4 comments/project on today’s agenda, but there is not much to be done until the draft is out. The 63-4 working area remains on the wiki and is available for continued input while we await the draft. Martin encourages people to put more into the areas of concern in revision 3 that we want to ensure are addressed in 63-4.

The current rumored date for release is early November. If related, we will reserve a meeting to discuss and create a plan to move forward with the 60-day comment period. Lorrayne shared that NIST plans to hold a number of workshops during the comment period - including the one on November 16 at Venable for Kantara members, FIDO, and Better Identity Coalition. Michael spoke with David Temoshok at FedID and he does plan to have virtual workshops after the drop but the November 16 one is in-person only.


Charter Review

The charter is to be reviewed each year. Martin suggested the review should focus on §4 Draft Technical Specifications and §5 Other Draft Recommendations as that should be our to-do list and anticipated deliverables for the coming year. Martin believes our service assessment criteria spreadsheets fit under §4, but Richard pointed out that the reference to Draft Recommendations in §5 is the official name of the SACs. This is true. The SACs are officially referred to as Draft Recommendations.

Martin further suggested adding:

  • a UK status report;

  • our response to Revision 4;

  • edits to our SACs that will come from the final publication of that revision; and

  • removing Technical class of approval.

Richard suggested preparing an annual plan for IAWG as well. But he thinks we should not include anything that revolves around an external source (NIST release); additionally including specific tasks requires full revision of the charter each year. Martin reminded him that it is contemplated to revise the charter annually so these updates can be made.

Additional review needs completed for §10. Lynzie will touch base with Andrew, Richard and others who may have insight on this. ARB should also be included at the top of the list.

Lynzie will make edits and put back on a future agenda to continue to review.

Notarization Act

Michael is interested in this topic. The only standard out there is from MISMO, even though remote notarization is far broader than just the mortgage industry. The legislation does not mention NIST at all but they should be involved. Kantara could also come into play with the use of trusted referees for notarization.

Richard suggested going through CS1. If there is any interest it could go to ISO. An international standard could be beneficial for everyone. Mike and Richard could see a separate class of approval for Kantara assessments if there is a standard to refer to. Richard and Michael will work to create a way forward and bring it back to the group.

Any Other Business

IAWG will not meet next week, October 20. The October 27 meeting will address the work of the ad hoc group on the Assurance Program revisions.

IAWG leadership keeps an action item list.
All IAWG participants should be aware that the spreadsheet exists and it lists everything we think the IAWG is working on or planning to work on. Please feel free to review it and correct it if needed - it is not our intent to overlook something!



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