ANCR WG (Anchored Notice & Consent Receipt).
[ Standardised Record Framework for Consent Receipts and their use as verified claims in identifier management protocol based technical token ]
Develop and contribute to standardised digital notice transparency in the 'digital commons', mandating the use of consensus protocol for specifying internationally interoperable data governance.
ANCR objective is to complete the Notice and Consent Receipt work . started in the Consent and information Sharing WG, that with a conformance and compliance program. Contributing specifications according to this charter once incubated. Consent receipt derivative work is specified for (public accessaccessible) ISO/IEC 29100 Security and privacy technique and the not open to access, ISO/IEC 29184 Online Notice and Consent Standard, where the Consent Notice Receipt Is published (Appendix B and Consent Standard). Demonstrating the Controller Notice record format that is used in the trust framework scheme.
This WG is chartered to specify for the digital common wealthcommons, referring to the Council of Europe 108+, international privacy legal framework, the to which the Consent Receipt v2. Consent Token Architecture and associated Transparency transparency conformance and compliance schemes are focused. Utilising the updates to
This works builds upon the Consent Receipt v1.1 (now and the ISO/IEC 27560 Consent Record Information Structure).To develop a Kantara assurance program to support this work using the TPS scheme and roadmap supported by the ANCR WG, other work is incubated for other program contributions, as specified below, which compliments it. Current request to ISO to make this open to access as well.
- Specify and Publish: ANCR Record Transparency Performance Scheme for Transparency Performance indicators, which can identify the digital transparency gaps, so they can be addressed.
- Specify and Contribute: ANCR Record Framework
- Specify and Contribute: AuthC Transparency Protocol for signalling authorisation with consent
- Innovate in accordance with Kantara Operating Procedures and promote a consent notice receipt (a receipt that is a notice of consent) as an international tool for human, legal and decentralized identity governance and interoperability.
(4) DRAFT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: List Working Titles of draft Technical Specifications to be produced (if any), projected completion dates, and the Standards Setting Organisation(s) to which they will be submitted upon approval by the Membership.
Specifications in scope | Details | Dates | Contributed Towards |
Anchor Receipt (Conformance and Compliance Transparency Performance Scheme of Notice) |
| January 2022 - start of group, expected 6-month effort. |
ANCR Record Framework | January 2023 | Contribution to Kantara ANCR: TPS Benchmarking Program | |
ANCR Controller Notice to Notary Credential | in progress | DTL - 0PN CI-Trust framework program | |
ANCR : Consent Receipt V2. Consent Token Record information Structure | Extension and completion of Consent receipt work contribution to Kantara by the Open Notice Project,. | DTL - 0PN CI-Trust framework program | |
AuthC | DTL Contributing to ANCR | in progress | DTL - 0PN CI-Trust framework program |
ANCR Consensus Protocol for | git based global digital stymergy | DTL - 0PN CI-Trust framework program | |
(5) DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for submission for All Member Ballot.