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UMA1 Interop Features and Feature Tests

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FT-as-config-datareqAS provides configuration data that conforms to specified formats and provides all required properties and values.

Data conforms and is complete



reqAS makes config data available through https://as_uri/.well-known/uma-configuration.AS config data endpoint uses https: scheme with specific URL form, with a valid certificate
FT-rs-get-config-dataoptRS successfully accesses and parses AS config data properties it needs at https://as_uri/.well-known/uma-configuration, including all endpoint-related properties not specific to the RS and including handling of non-understood extension properties.RS successfully accesses and parses AS config data
FT-c-get-config-dataoptClient successfully accesses and parses AS config data properties it needs at https://as_uri/.well-known/uma-configuration, including all endpoint-related properties not specific to the client and including handling of non-understood extension properties.Client successfully accesses and parses AS config data

Feature tests for "dynreg"

Client registration of resource servers (which are clients of the AS's protection API) and clients of resource servers (which are also clients of the AS's authorization API) at run time when services have not "met" before a resource owner or requesting party forces the issue.


FT-rs-no-rptreqRSRS responds to client not bearing an RPT with HTTP 401 and correct as_uri corresponding to AS protecting the resource to which access was attempted.RS responds with HTTP 401 and as_uri
FT-rs-invalid-rptreqRSRS responds to client bearing an invalid RPT with HTTP 401 and correct as_uri corresponding to AS protecting the resource to which access was attempted.RS responds with HTTP 401 and as_uri
FT-c-rptreqCC requests access to a resource by providing a correctly formed and located RPT. 
FT-rs-insufficient-permreqRSRS responds to client bearing a valid "bearer" profile RPT that has insufficient permissions with HTTP 403, as_uri, and permission ticket corresponding to resource for which access was attempted. NOTE: Conducting this test depends on RS-specific API and scope details.RS responds with HTTP 403, as_uri, and permission ticket
FT-rs-respect-authzreqRSRS limits access to resource that is currently under protection at an AS for which a valid RPT with valid authorization data has not been presented by a client. NOTE: Conducting this test depends on RS-specific API and scope details.RS blocks and grants client's access according to RPT's current status

Feature tests for "claims"