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5The value, if this property is present, the value MUST be the string "yes" (dynamic registration is supported, using an unspecified method) or "no" (it is not supported; hosts and requesters are required to pre-register)." (The property being dynamic_client_registration_supported.)
  • Sec 2.2: "If the host has not already obtained an OAuth client identifier and optional secret from this AM, in this step it MUST do so in order to engage in OAuth-based interactions with the AM."
    Feature IDTypeDescriptionTest IDTypeRoleDescriptionSucceedFail

    AS makes available its configuration data in the correct form at the correct location. Supporting clauses:

    • Core Sec 1.4: "The authorization server MUST provide configuration data in a JSON [RFC4627] document that resides in an /uma-configuration directory at at its hostmeta [hostmeta] location."
    • Core Sec 1.4: "Authorization server configuration data MAY contain extension properties that are not defined in this specification."
    • Core Sec 1.4: "All endpoint URIs SHOULD require the use of a transport-layer security mechanism such as TLS. The authorization server MUST declare all of its endpoints in its configuration data (see Section 1.4)."
    • (Also all the REQUIREDs/MUSTs and MAYs appearing in Core Sec 1.4 regarding the JSON format for AM configuration data.)
    • RSR Sec 1.3: "If the authorization server declares its endpoints and any other configuration data in a machine-readable form, for example [OAuth-linktypes] or [OAuth-meta], it SHOULD convey its resource set registration endpoint in this fashion as well."

    Issues: We no longer say RS and C MUST retrieve the config data. Should we? Should the last two tests here be "opt"?

    FT-as-config-datareqASAS provides configuration data that conforms to specified formatData conforms to format requirementsFails
    FT-as-config-endptsoptASAS makes config data available through SSL/TLS-protected URLAS config data endpoint uses https: scheme and RS or client is able to validate AS's certificateFails
    FT-rs-get-config-datareqRSRS successfully accesses and parses AS config data properties it needs at http://\{as_uri}/.well-known/uma-configuration or https://\{as_uri}/.well-known/uma-configuration, including all endpoint-related properties not specific to the client and including handling of non-understood extension propertiesRS successfully accesses and parses AS config dataFails
    FT-c-get-config-datareqCClient successfully accesses and parses AS config data properties it needs at http://\{as_uri}/.well-known/uma-configuration or https://\{as_uri}/.well-known/uma-configuration, including all endpoint-related properties not specific to the RS and including handling of non-understood extension propertiesClient successfully accesses and parses AS config dataFails

    AS supports generating dynamic client credentials and RS and client support getting them. Supporting clauses:

    • dynamic_client_endpoint - OPTIONAL. The endpoint to use for performing dynamic client registration. Usage is defined by [DynClientReg]. The presence of this property indicates authorization server support for the dynamic client registration feature and its absent indicates a lack of support."
    • Core Sec 2: "It is OPTIONAL for the client credentials to be provided dynamically through [DynClientReg]); alternatively, they MAY use a static process."

    Issues: Typo in Core Sec 1.4: s/absent/absence/

    FT-as-dyn-client-regoptASAS config data "dynamic_client_endpoint" property is non-nullAS config data "dynamic_client_endpoint" property has a valid URL value for a DynClientReg endpointFails
    FT-rs-get-dyn-client-credsoptRSRS interacts with AS to request and receive client credentials dynamicallyRS gets client credentials dynamicallyFails
    FT-c-get-dyn-client-credsoptCC interacts with AS to request and receive client credentials dynamicallyC gets client credentials dynamicallyFails



    • Sec 1.5: "The value, if this property is present, the value MUST be the string "yes" (dynamic registration is supported, using an unspecified method) or "no" (it is not supported; hosts and requesters are required to pre-register)." (The property being dynamic_client_registration_supported.)
    • Sec 2.2: "If the host has not already obtained an OAuth client identifier and optional secret from this AM, in this step it MUST do so in order to engage in OAuth-based interactions with the AM."
