Higher Education & Research

Open Source Identity and Access Management for Higher Education

White papers and discussion


Standards work


Department for Work and Pensions  - United Kingdom

Department of Defense - USA - Enterprise Directory Services Capability - Contact Attributes Specification

Department of Defense Identity and Privilege Management Working Group

Department of Commerce NIST "A Report on the Privilege Management Workshop"

NIEM and NIEF from GFIPM (Global Federated Identity and Priviledge Management)

MITRE Cyber Observable Expression (CybOX)


White papers and discussion




ISOC-sponsored "Mapping the Identity Ecosystem workshop", Amsterdam, December 2011

IIW Attribute Management Discussion, Washington, DC 2012

ISOC-sponsored "Moving forward with an Internet Attribute Infrastructure", Gaithersburg, March 2012

Discussion and summary of Attribute Workshop.  Goals were to knowledge share across multi-focus and multi-context communities.  Attendees included representatives from Research and Education, State, Local and Tribal Governments, Enterprise, Standards Setting and Fostering Organizations, International Federal Governments. Organizations and attendees shared overviews of their work in the Attribute space. One high-level next step is the creation of a requirements document for the creation and resourcing of an Attribute Registry. 

Discussion: What are next steps? The Attribute Registry Requirements document will likely be socialized with in the workshop stakeholder group and likely further externally as it develops.  A follow on meeting may be planned but is not yet confirmed.