Adding your SAML based Identity Provider

Adding your SAML based Identity Provider

Do you wish us to add your SAML based Identity Provider to our Wiki? Here is the information we need from you as well as some of the Kantara configuration details:

Our configuration details:

Our metadata is located at: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/plugins/servlet/samlsso/metadata.

Our metadata is also published in the InCommon federation. Our entityID is "https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/plugins/servlet/samlsso".

Information we will need from you:

In order to setup your IdP with Confluence we need the your IdP's metadata and entityID plus (optionally) the organization name you would like us to use on our IdP selection page.

Lastly we need the attribute names for username, name, and email that your IdP will send us in the SAML requests.

Please use our Contact Form to submit the required information.