

Quote Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Jens Fromm
#Matthew Gardiner
Lucy Lynch 
Atsuhiro Goto
Pete Palmer
Nat Sakimura
Paul Trevithick
Colin Wallis

Please enjoy our growing collection of video testimonials.

Jens Fromm

"The Internet and the new media are becoming a familiar part of everyday life. When using new technologies one usually requires a context-driven identification as a particular person or partial identity. Interoperable identity technologies become therefore more and more important in our heterogenic world. This is why Kantara Initiative is working on the establishment of user-centric views of identity solutions."
--Jens Fromm, Head of the research group 'Secure Identities' at Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS

Matthew Gardiner

"Federated technologies have rightly become central to how identity-centric security is enabled on the Web and for the Cloud. However troublesome meta-issues, such as interoperability, usability, privacy, liability, business models, and trust have stood in the way of even faster adoption. The Kantara Initiative has proven to provide an effective forum where industry experts can get together to solve those issues for the benefit of the entire identity management ecosystem." 

--Matthew Gardiner, Director, CA Security Business & Kantara Initiative President

Atsuhiro Goto

"Federated Identity Management must be a key-technology for the Cloud, that will be the future social infrastructure for e-governments and smart communities which means IT industry should keep open discussions for social benefits. The Kantara Initiative is the most promising organization for such open technology developments where various kinds of stakeholders get together from all over the world."

-- Atsuhiro Goto, Director, Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT

Lucy Lynch

"We are pleased to see the Kantara Initiative emerge on the global stage as an effective organization that builds bridges between various identity-related projects. The Internet Society believes strongly in fostering open, generative work that builds toward harmonized standards efforts.  Kantara has proven itself to be an organization where a diverse set of international stakeholders, including enterprise, individuals, and regulators, can collaborate within rapidly-changing environments. Kantara is a valuable addition to the Internet Ecosystem and we look forward to continuing to participating in the organization and encourage the open discussion resulting in viable solutions."

--Lucy Lynch, Director of Trust and Identity Initiatives, Internet Society (ISOC) & Kantara Initiative Secretary

Pete Palmer

"The Kantara Initiative has provided the necessary leadership to move interoperable identity management from the lab into the mainstream. Their work continues to have a meaningful impact on numerous industry sectors."

--Pete Palmer, Director, Information Security, Surescripts

Nat Sakimura

"Building bridges between the fragmented islands of Identity Technologies such as InfoCard/OpenID/SAML/XDI will positively impact the future internet business and personal identity management. I expect that the launch of Kantara Initiative will accelerate technological innovation and the interoperability. By expanding this effort around the world, it will help users to have an ability to better manage and protect their online digital identities.re internet business will be positively affected by jumping the technology barrier to derive the maximum benefit from authentication technologies such as OpenID.  I expect that the launch of Kantara Initiative will accelerate technological innovation and enhancement of interoperability. By expanding this effort around the world, it will help provide more users with the ability to better manage and protect their digital identities online."
--Nat Sakimura, Senior Researcher, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd, and Vice Chairman, XDI.org 

Paul Trevithick

"The promise of the Kantara Initiative is that it will weave together multiple identity technologies into a coherent whole. This is greatly needed. The Information Card Foundation hopes to collaborate closely with Kantara, especially on the use of Information Cards as a unifying user experience metaphor irrespective of the underlying technology or protocol."
--Paul Trevithick, Chair, Information Card Foundation

Colin Wallis

"With significant investment in federated identity management, it is important to engage across the spectrum of identity consortia and the Department does just that.   In Kantara’s case, it is the thought leadership that sets it apart.  From the world’s first  eGov Profile of SAML 2.0, to the world’s first industry-agnostic Trust Framework Provider program, it should be obvious to any federated identity deployer that a Kantara relationship is an essential ingredient."
--Colin Wallis, Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand Government