Nov 30 F2F Meeting - 2012
Nov 30 F2F Meeting - 2012
Draft Agenda
8:00 Welcome
- Agenda Bashing
- Setting the Stage
9:00 Gaps - defining equivalencies and comparability for AuthN by LoA
- (US) NIST 800-63, (International) ISO 29115
10:00 -------- Break --------
10: 15 Outline for Gap Comparability Document
12:00 -------- Lunch --------
13:00 Component Service Standardization
- focus group discussion
- enable plug-and-play environment
- use of APIs?
15:00 -------- Break --------
15:15 Separation of Identity from Credential (pseudonymous approach)
- Aligning approaches of Canada, US, New Zealand, UK, etc
16:45 Any Other Business
- Incentive Models - identify incentive value chain for participation in Trust Frameworks and communities of Trust
- motive connecting to government services versus private/commercial market
- value in ability to safely 'proxy' services / 'proxy' authN
- risk analysis (bad guys trying to act like good guys)