2023-11-30 Minutes

  1. Administration:

    • Roll call and determination of quorum. Andrew Hughes called the meeting to order.  The meeting was quorate.

      • Voting-Andrew Hughes, Mark King, Michael Magrath, Mark Hapner, Jimmy Jung, Zaid AlBukhari

      • Non-Voting-Yehoshua Silbersten

      • Guests

      • Staff-Amanda Gay, Kay Chopard

    • Minutes approval 

    • Kantara Updates:

      • AGM meeting: Register here

        1. Dec 5, 10:00 AM, 2 hour meeting

      • BoD elections will be open after for member voting (new candidates: Mike Magrath and Eve Maler)

      • Current board has been working on bylaws to streamline governance

      • Kay’s travel: 

        1. Singapore - Identity Week Asia

          1. Countries like Thailand rely heavily on NIST guidelines, there may be additional things we could do to be helpful in those countries.

          2. Gave 3 different presentations.

        2. London - Future Identity Festival

          1. Kay delivered keynote speech.

          2. Moderated a bankers’ discussion of useful tools for that industry.

        3. In general, Kantara is asked to talk more about DEIA in digital identity.

        4. Reminder about monthly newsletter-sign up (email staff@kantarainitiative.org for sign-up assistance).

    • Assurance Updates:

      • ARB has continued to meet, no new trustmarks, but things are in progress (feedback provided to applicants, etc)

    • Kantara Initiative Comments Preparation for NIST’s Implementation of National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology - Denny Prvu has registered an intent to submit on behalf of Kantara Initiative and will be sending comments for review and feedback to the listserv.

      • Due December 5th, please respond with comments/feedback ASAP.

  2.  Discussion:  

  3. Any Other Business

    • Elections and officer roles

      • Denny will be stepping down as Vice-Chair going into 2024.

      • Andrew intends to run again as chair.

      • Group will be seeking a Vice Chair, encourages others to explore the opportunity.

      • Elections will take place the first meeting in January, if needed.

    • No meeting next week (December 7th).

    • Will regroup on December 14th with charter discussion and if there is AoR material.