2024-01-18 Minutes

Meeting status metadata




Ready for review



The meeting status metadata table is used for summary reports - copy the status macros from the table in these instructions:

Quorum: quorate not quorate

Notes-Status: drafting Ready for review approved

Approved-Link: Insert a link to the Meeting Notes page holding the approval decision for this notes page



  • Call meeting to order

  • Roll call & determination of voting participant quorum

  • Approval of previous minutes (2023-12-14 and 2023-11-30)

  • Announcements (Kantara Updates and Assurance Program Updates-in table below)

  • Main discussion items (see table below)

  • AOB

  • Adjourn meeting


Voting participants: Andrew Hughes, Mark King, Zaid AlBukhari, Jimmy Jung, Michael Magrath, Richard Wilsher

Non-Voting Participants: Michael Chaudoin, Yehoshua Silberstein, Martin Smith

Guests: Lisa Balzerit

Staff: Kay Chopard, Lynzie Adams, Amanda Gay

Quorum determination

Meeting is quorate when 50% + 1 of voting participants attend

There are <<9>> voters as of <<2024-01-18>>

Approval of Prior Minutes

Motion to approve meeting minutes listed below:

Moved by: Jimmy Jung

Seconded by: Michael Magrath

Link to draft minutes and outcome


Link to draft minutes and outcome



 Discussion topics










Kantara Updates

Kay Chopard

  • Board of Directors Planning Session - The focus was on maturity of the organization and strategic business planning regarding Kantara’s direction.  Questions included “Where is the market going?” “ What is the need?” “What are the things we could be doing?”

  • BoD elections - Changes: Maria Vachino stepped down.  Eve Maler and Mike Magrath are new board members.

  • Governance - Bylaw changes approved in December 2023.


Assurance Program Updates

Lynzie Adams

  • Holidays were a slow time, per usual, but things are picking up.  ARB has 5 items for review in their queue and many renewals are coming in.


2024 Leadership Election

Andrew Hughes

  • Chair and Vice Chair Nominations-1 nomination was received for each: Andrew Hughes for Chair, Yehoshua Silberstein for Vice-Chair.


2024 Charter

Andrew Hughes

  • Discussion and Adjustments: 

    1. Removed duplicate language, clarified scope and purpose, cleaned up liaisons and audiences.  

    2. Email comment - regarding vague use of goals in “related work”.  Suggested to say “because it is a goal….therefore it is integral..”  Concern withdrawn.

      1. Changed to “IAWG works toward the ……”.

      2. Removed “Therefore it is integral to the success” 

    3. Promoted ARB in the audience section by moving up.

    4. Formalized relationship with ARB by establishing Assurance Program Manager as Secretary for IAWG.

    5. Updated with current leadership team (Andrew Hughes-Chair, Yehoshua Silberstein-Vice-Chair, Lynzie Adams-Secretary).


Address of Record

Yehoshua Silberstein

  • Discussion: Yehoshua’s initial focus was to establish the address of record as an address of communication, which should not necessarily require the same level of validation and verification as an inherent attribute.  It’s an attribute of a person’s identity as a possessive attribute - it should be established through the person proving that they possess (as opposed to a name or DOB, which are inherent and have to be proven more significantly with real records).  The use of an enrollment code and separate validation of the address is not needed, because if a person can respond to the enrollment code, they have proven they can communicate through that address.  The address is not necessarily used to establish identity.  NIST standards use it as a method of communication so it should be validated and verified as a method of communication lens versus an integral identity attribute lens.

  • Question:  Do we verify and validate the address?  Is anyone checking that the address exists?

    1. If the enrollment code is used successfully, existence is proven.

    2. Jimmy:With identity evidence-verification/validation is conducted, however, this is not identity evidence.

    3. Yehoshua: This is validated and verified (validated real address, verified it belongs to this individual) in the context of communication method. 

    4. Mark: Prefers alternative phrasing as implication of validation/verification with proofing process.

    5. Clarity needed from NIST in rev 3- rev 4 standards that this address of record is only being used as an accurate and appropriate way to communicate with the applicant.


EU-US TTC WG-1 Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report

Andrew Hughes

  • feedback due 11:59PM ET, February 29, 2024

    • Mark King has provided an email.

    • Leadership wants to assemble comments for response

    • Discussion regarding mapping exercise, February 1 and February 8, 2024


Interpretation of criteria (2 topics)

Richard Wilsher

  • If a service provider says authentication protocol uses 2 single factors and they explicitly say we don’t use multi-factor authentication, does this criteria apply?  Can we say in scope - not applicable?  Why/why not? 

    1. False argument with multi-factor authentication (2 single factors makes for multi-factor).

    2. Discussion to be continued February 8th, 2024.

  • Table 5-3: Superior has two requirements, but Kantara criteria offers proofing with only one form of SUPERIOR evidence.  

    1. Does this proofing process conform to both Kantara criteria and to 63A?

    2. Discussion to be continued February 8th, 2024.

 Open Action items

Amanda/Staff change Yehoshua to voting member
Amanda/Staff make editorial adjustments to 2024 Charter as discussed into today’s call, publish on Wiki
Yehoshua to recirculate Address of Record position, for February 8th discussion.
Requests IAWG members to submit comments for EU-US mapping exercise via email.  

Action items may be created inline on any page. This block shows all open action items from all meeting notes.



  • Call for consent by Jimmy Jung to elect Andrew Hughes for Chair and Yehoshua Silberstein for Vice-Chair.  No objections were made.

  • Motion for Acceptance of this version as the 2024 Charter after minor editorial adjustments.  Andrew Hughes moves acceptance of this version of charter as modified and reviewed by Work Group as 2024 Charter.  Richard Wilsher seconds.  Motion for acceptance of this version passes.