2018-12-19 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-12-19 Meeting notes DRAFT



Status of Minutes


Approved at: <<Insert link to minutes showing approval>>


  1. Call to order
    1. Roll Call & Determination of quorum status
    2. Reminder about the Group Participation Agreement
    3. Agenda bashing
    4. Kantara Organization updates 
  2. Introductions
  3. Discuss the discussion group 
    1. Goals, approach, desired outcomes (Charter material)
    2. Terminology page
    3. Use case template page
    4. Call for Vice-Chair, Secretary nominations
  4. Discuss DG Schedule
  5. Standing agenda items
    1. Schedule status updates
    2. Contributions status updates
    3. Writing teams status updates
  6. All Other Business (AOB)
  7. Adjourn


Link to the full Participant Roster

Voting Participants



Callahan, JohnYes
Dagg, Ken

Harkema, JJ


Hapner, Mark


Hughes, Andrew (Chair)


Pasquale, Jim

Shorter, Scott


Skyberg, DavidYes

WILSHER, Richard


Non-Voting Participants

  •  Stuart Young
  • Joe Andrieu


Quorum Status

Meeting was <<<>>> quorate

Voting participants

Participant Roster - Quorum is 5 of 9 as of 2018-12-18

Discussion Items





5 min
  • Call to order
  • GPA reminder
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing
  • Organization updates




Discuss the discussion group 

    1. Goals, approach, desired outcomes (Charter material)
    2. Terminology page
    3. Use case template page

Discussion on terminology:

  • Comment that "Identity" is a circular reference - 'related to' implies that the 'entity' is already known - there is inconsistency

Discussion on approach to collect material:

  • We will run out time if we duplicate effort by having everyone go get essentially identical material from their sources - how to avoid this?
  • Suggestion that we quickly post use case titles and maybe abstract to the wiki as a first step, then coordinate if we see obvious duplication
  • Andrew is working with Government of Canada to list use cases from their repository - they are actively contributing, just need to sort out details.
  • John: 
    • Would like to look at Aadhaar use case - combination of biometric and demographic and central database comparison (reach out to Vishal Gupta from IIW/RWOT participation ; also look at Andrew's ITU-T report on strong authentication use cases)
    • "The RENIEC system is used in Peru for bank KYC IDV (see attached paper).  In Mexico, the INE (a voting database with biometrics) has been expanded for use by bank KYC/AML purposes.  In some of the IDV draft uses cases, I will refer to these (as exemplars) because they are biometric-driven (fingerprints)."
  • Andrew:
    • Andrew to look into Alipay/ IFAA eKYC
  • Joe:
    • Will look at the DID and Verifiable Credentials Use cases to see which ones would be suitable for contribution
    • Look at Joram use case too
    • Will consider how the ISO definition maps to other definitions of ID Assurance, and if appropriate will contribute commentary for the report.
  • Mark: 
    • what about PayPal? After the call Andrew started to track down connections to Jeff Hodges - will report back.

Schedule updates

  • Status
  • Issues
  • Next period plan

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