Budget and Funding Guidelines

Budget and Funding Guidelines

Draft v0.1

Directed Member / Non-Member Organization Funding Guidelines

Once a Member / Non-Member Organization who will fund a WG/DG project(s) is identified the following baseline items should be agreed upon by Kantara Initiative BoT (Treasurer), WG/DG leadership and Funding Organization:

  1. A detailed project plan which outlines project scope and milestones as well as review periods where each stakeholder will have an opportunity to review progress.
  2. Payment details and method: How should payments be made (wire, check, other) and when would such payments arrive.
  3. Terms Sheet and MOU which includes the IPR details for the work to be completed as well as criteria for determined 'completion' to of a project.
    1. NOTE: Kantara Initiative will not perform matched funding for any project that would result in proprietary product materials.
    2. The MOU should be agreed upon and signed by each stakeholder organization (typically: Kantara Initiative, Funding Organization, Third Parties engaged to complete project).
  • Other Details regarding Directed Funding
    • On a case by case basis Member Organization directed funding may be used to fund a Participant's travel.  This determination is made by the Member Organization and typically outlined in the scope and use terms for received directed funding.

Supplemental Funding Guidelines

  1. WG/DG first in good faith seeks non-WG/DG Participants to provide funded services for the completion of a project.
    1. Provided that this candidate search does not identify resources the WG/DG provides descriptive details of steps taken to find a non-Participant to do the work 
    2. The LC reviews the search details and agrees (or disagrees) that the WG evaluated all of its options to find a non-Participant to do the work.
  2. With LC agreement that the WG/DG exhausted options for non-Participant resources the WG/DG may look internally for Participant resources.
  3. WG DG participants who may benefit to receive some of all supplementary budget allocated MUST recuse themselves from any WG/DG vote concerning the allocation of that funding.
    1. Example: a person can not vote in a motion that would result in their personal funding to complete a project
  4. Supplemental Funding may not be applied for KI Representative travel to and from an event.

Below are the portions of the KI Financial Policy which pertain to external funding.
The Financial Policy v1.1 can be located here: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/K4BsAQ

6. External Funding Process.

One way for Kantara Initiative Work Groups and Discussion Groups (collectively "Groups") to fund an Activity is through contributions to Kantara by external parties.

6.1. Process Overview. Groups should follow the steps outlined below to process External Funds through Kantara for their Activity:
Group Leadership will notify the Leadership Council and Kantara Staff with information about the possible External Funding opportunity including:

  1. the name(s) of the External Funder(s), if known,
  2. expected process for receiving the funds,
  3. anticipated amount to be received,
  4. how the funds are expected to be paid out,
  5. details about the Activity for which the External Funds will be used.

Kantara Staff will work with the Board of Trustees Treasurer and Group Leadership to plan how to receive and distribute the External Funds (e.g. via bank transfer, paying invoices or executed contract, etc.).

6.2. Process Notes for External Funding.
5% of the External Funds will be collected by the Kantara Initiative as an administrative fee.
External Funders can ear-mark their contribution to a specific Group Activity by including a letter accompanying the contribution stating the Activity they are supporting.

There is no requirement for the Kantara Initiative to accept External Funds that are offered.
If the External Funds received exceed the amount paid out for the Activity, the Group Leadership, Kantara Staff, and Board of Trustees Treasurer will work with the External Funder(s) to determine how to manage the excess funds (e.g. return the unused portion or roll it into the Kantara general fund for redistribution).
If a Participant of the Group sponsoring the Activity is interested in receiving some of the External Funds, he/she must recuse him/herself from votes relating to the Activity.