eGov Meeting Minutes - 2011-03-07

*confirmed at the meeting, Monday 4th April 2011*

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 07 March 2011
  • Time: 10:00 PDT | 13:00 EDT | 19:00 CET | 07:00 NZ (8th March)



Phillipe Beauchamp, Bell Canada

LaChelle Le Van, Probaris Inc.

Scott Cantor, Internet2

Keith Uber, Ubisecure Solutions

Bob Sunday, Gov of Canada

Denny Prvu, CA Technologies, BC Govt, Canada

Colin Wallis, NZ Govt

Sal D'Agostino, ID Machines


Rainer Hoerbe, Kismed Health Professional Service, GmbH


Joni Brennan, ED

Anna Ticktin


Fulup Ar Foll


1) Roll call for Quorum determination

2) eGov Membership Status. New member intros (CW)

3) Review and (if quorum) approve February meeting draft notes (attendees)

4) Discussion and comment: Denmark's 'New Digital Security Models'

 5) Responses to European public consultation on eID: Who, How and When?

6) Work Item 1: Now we have 2 deployment profiles, are we ready to collate feedback for the next revisions of the Conformance test plan? (Bob/Keith/Mikael) 

7) Work Item 2: Start SLO eGov use cases/requirements for input into the eGov Deployment model and cookbook (Fulup and Rainer)

8) Work Item 3?: Start input into the Attributes WG (when its chartered)

9) Work Item 4?: Start input into the Open Source WG.

10) Work Item 5?: Start input into the Liaison Sub Committee (the identity-related ISO docs need to be closed out early March!) 

11) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board, IOP WG) (CW/JB)

12) Liaison: OASIS eGov Member Section: Elections reminder & Transformational Government standard (CW)

13) Events: KI F2F Berlin: eGov meeting slots, Agenda by work item?|../display/GI/Kantara%20Initiative%20Conferences|||||||||||\

14) AOB

Meeting Minutes

1) Roll call for Quorum determination

8 out 11 voting: quorum met

2) eGov Membership Status. New member intros (CW)

No new members since last call

3) Review and (if quorum) approve February meeting draft notes (attendees)

Notes approved by unanimous consent by those present

4) Discussion and comment: Denmark's 'New Digital Security Models'

CW viewed it as a good paper, with a new slant on some existing technologies, and encouraged members to read it.

5) Responses to European public consultation on eID: Who, How and When?

Patrick C and Rainer H had both volunteered to help. Patrick not on call to answer the query as to how to provide separate responses from BBFA , so Rainer agreed to provide a draft of his responses as a baseline for providing an eGov submission as Action 2011-03-07-01.

6) Work Item 1: Now we have 2 deployment profiles, are we ready to collate feedback for the next revisions of the Conformance test plan? (Bob/Keith/Mikael) 

Fed Canada still working on the gap analysis on the SAML 2.0 Test Plan, based on Fed Canada deployment experience. Carried over till April call, or possibly run a special mid-month call as Action 2011-03-07-02.

7) Work Item 2: Start SLO use case/requirements for input into eGov Deployment model and cookbook (Fulup and Rainer)

Raine not able to devote time to it till May. Carry over till Berlin F2F

8) Work Item 3?: Start input into the Attributes WG (when its chartered)

Carry over

9) Work Item 4?: Start input into the Open Source WG

Now chartered but little activity so far, to be able to sense the direction and potential input of eGov. Carry over.

10) Work Item 5?: Start input into the Liaison Sub Committee (the identity-related ISO docs need to be closed out early March!)

Comment loaded for 29101 Privacy Reference Architecture. CW to load N9736 ITU-T LS to SC27WG5 re 24760. Comments on 24760 due 21st March. A KI LS needs to be drafted for SC27 and submitted ASAP but may be too late as earlier cut off (11th March) for new material was announced.

11) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board, IOP WG) (CW/JB)

eGov was asked to note the call for members to join the Strategy sub committee, and note the call for Board of Trustees seats from organizations (or individuals belonging to an organization who can use the opportunity to upgrade their membership).

12) Liaison: OASIS eGov Member Section: Elections reminder & Transformational Government standard (CW)

CW noted that the TG primer is nearly complete and will be published later in March for comment. It has a major component of IdM. eGov to consider a separate call to work through it and provide feedback/comments.

13) Events: KI F2F Berlin: eGov meeting slots, Agenda by work item?

Keith, John, Colin and Fulup attending. Rainer is as well but heavily committed to other WGs. Agreed to use work item list as a baseline for the agenda

14) AOB:

FICAM Roadmap released:

Next Monthly Meeting: tbc but probably,..

  • Date: Monday, April 4, 2011
  • Time: 10:00 PDT | 13:00 EDT | 19:00 CET | 05:00 NZ (5th)
  • Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
  • Code:

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