#150290 IAF-1400

#150290 IAF-1400

This page contains the text of the IAF Ticket, relevant links, and Disposition information and status.

Ticket Metadata

Ticket # 150290
Date Received 
Topic Title Retention of records period
IAF DocumentIAF-1400 
IAF Document Versionv3.0 
Links to Meetings 
Final DispositionAdd to IAF enhancements list 

Ticket Text

Ticket # 150290

Discussion Summary (if applicable)

Potentially move the retention requirement to more reasonable in SAC core - but ensure that it's covered aligned to NIST requirement in US Federal Additional Criteria. (Part of which set of changes?)

(See http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-idassurance/2012-August/001326.html for thread of email discussion)