MVCR-Spec- v.06

Minimum Viable Consent Receipt Specification

Draft version 0.6î¿¿

 Status: T

Draft version 0.06 specification for MVCR Code Generator and Minimum Viable Consent Receipt Data Description

This is the first draft version of the MVCR that we plan to work collaboratively on using Git Hub Version Tracking


  • The objective is to develop a core consent format for the record of a consent transaction.  

  • As a result this work is this specification is for the development of the Minimum Viable Consent Receipt.  (MVCR)

  • The aim of this format is to pull out the core requirements for a consent to be legitimate, and to put it into a highly usable structure.

  • This version of the specification is being written for simple basic use on websites as the context.    

  • This version of the consent receipt is for explicit consent in this context

  • The term ‘Minimum Viable’ in this context, the most basic  and common requirements to record a consent found in regulation across jurisdictions.  

  • 'Consent Receipt’ - Consent refers to the act of clicking a check box and clicking an I agree button to complete a consent transaction.

  • Receipt refers to a copy of the consent transaction record

  • The objective of the consent receipt is to capture the minimum viable consent transaction specific information. This includes:

    • Contact information of Data Controller and digital identity  provided by the consenter

    • links to policies explaining use of personal and sensitive personal data

    • a collection of the purpose(s) (like a collection of items being purchased)

    • YES or No Flags (compliant by defualt design)

      • 3rd party data sharing

      • Collecting Sensitive Personal Information

      • Context Requirements Checklist

    • Extensions (for those that are not compliant by default)

      • Core Compliance/Legal Extension

      • 3rd Party Extensions

  • Post Release of this version v.06 of the consent receipt  specification we will be writing extension that greatly expand the scope and use of this Minimum Viable format.  Extended so that it can address the notice and consent requirements for very complex data control issues by enabling people with consent management.


The purpose of this specification is to document the business and technical requirements for a minimum viable consent receipt (MVCR) in a manner that can be prepared and delivered conveniently and easily by data collectors to data subjects.

For organizations with the capabilities to write their own code, this specification defines the fields and an example use case (web site registration) for providing a minimum viable consent receipt to a user.

For organizations that do not have such a capability, this provide the requirements for providing a stand alone  “Consent Receipt Code Generator”  

For the purposes of making this specification easily available, the Kantara Initiative will implement this specification in a single page web application that an organization can use for the purpose of creating the code to generate consent receipts for that organization.


At this time organizations that collect personally identifiable information about individuals typically have legal obligations provide notice to the individuals from whom they are collecting information about and obtain knowledgeable consent from those individuals with respect to how their personal information may be collected, used, disclosed, retained, or destroyed by the data collector.

A Consent Receipt evolves consent management by equipping people with a record of consent. This becomes a useful mechanism to provide both notice of what information has been collected  and what will be done with this information. 

  • A Consent Receipt once provided is a record of the intent to process personal information.  

  • The Consent Receipt once received is then a record the individual holds that can be used independantly to manage consent which acknowledges consent for personal data processing in return.

  • Receiving a consent receipt immediately after (or during) a web, mobile or other internet based service transaction provides an individual with an opportunity to confirm, and if needed, challenge collection and control of personal information.

  • Similarly, the consent receipt enables the data controller to send a clear signal of trust and compliance clearly indicatingwhat they will do with personal information.

  • The consent receipt provides clarity and through transparency added trust and protection for all parties against misunderstanding.

  • Above all else a Minimum Viable Consent Receipt is specifically designed to provide the minimum viable and required legal notice to a data subject and by so doing demonstrates compliance with common/basic data privacy and protection regulation found within and across jurisdictions.

MVCR_Transaction.pngFigure 1. MVCR data flow

The MVCR will enable simple two party personal data transactions to be recorded by both sides.

(Note: Extensions and developments of the consent receipt infrastructure, although out of scope for a minimum viable consent receipt, will be listed and made clear how the MVCR can and will be extended to allow auditing, third party (including regulator) validation and confirmation of consent notices for compliance.)






Consent Receipt (CR)

A record of a single consent transaction provided to the data subject at the point of consent.  

This record is a summary of legal requirements of  the notice provided at the point of consent about the collection, use and disclosure of information by a data controller, and has given consent for that collection, use and disclosure.

Data Controller (DC)

The organization or individual that is accountable for the operation of the web site.

This is contact information for the management of consent.

Data Subject (DS)

The natural person that is registering on the web site.

This is typically when a person registers to get access to a web site service.

Identity Provider (IdP)

A third party that provides identity and/or authentication information about the data subject.



  • A Receipt will contain the purposes to which is consented to,

The links to all policies that inform the consent and the contact information of the data controller.

Operational Context of Consent

The list of legal (best practice) requirements for notice for consent in the jurisdiction and context in which the consent is given.

This includes jurisidction requirements as well as the contextual elements to the method of consent capture

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Any information that

(a) can be used to identify the Data Subject to whom such information relates, or

(b) is or might be directly or indirectly linked to a Data Subject.


Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII)

this a flag in the consent receipt that is used for what is legally defined as sensitive and protected data, this varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For this type of data explicit consent is required and a consent receipt extension is needed for this functionality.

include health, financial, children’s data,  sexual data, political/religious data, surveillance data,  (note I think this should include participate in identifying SPII

Trusted Services

A provider of Trust Product, like a Privacy icons,a certification for standard assurance, a reputation services, a trusted networks, trusted protocols, etc



Meets or exceeds regulatory minimum for notice in the jurisdiction where it is issued


Open Notice Framework

An Open Notice is a standard consent format for policy notice summaries as required by law.  The use of an Open Notice is further facilitated by a framework which enables the independent use of the Open Notice.   collection and opening of organisational privacy policies and terms some projects that do this exist already; E.g. TOSSBACK



Minimum Viable Consent Requirements

A MVCR enables organizations to transparently demonstrate self-asserted compliance with legislation and their own policies.  While also providing a record of the consent to the website/service user that is usable by the individual post consent.  

The Minimum Viable Consent Receipt (MVCR) is comprised of common data fields that are used to capture legally required consent elements of a consent transaction.  Recording the links to a consent policy, purpose specification, name, address and contact information of the Data Controller (DC).

Note: Issue raised, that a defualt location for the privacy policy should be - wether it is or it isn't the link to the policy should not change, as this will invalidate the compliance of all previous consent receipts)  (Issue raised by John here -->  this is not the case, the For the consent receipt to be auditable and verifiable the consent policy should be accessible by any entity with the URI for the policy. Subsequent changes to the policy should not invalidate the URI for the policy in effect with the CR was issued)


Data Controllers that provide a consent receipt will be in compliance with common/minimum best practices embodied in data protection and privacy regulations across jurisdictions.  

All consent receipts require that a Data Controller:

  • Provide a static link to their privacy policy

  • Identify themselves clearly

  • identify the purpose(s) for personal information that is collected;

  • indicate if personally identifiable information will be shared with 3rd parties, or not. (note: a 3rd party sharing extension can be added to the MVCR)

  • Indicate if Sensitive Personal Information is being gathered (note an extension would require a definition of SPI) so that this can can be used by trust networks for service discovery. (foot note examples of trust networks)

  • note: (list is not complete)

With this information a consent receipt can be understood as a digital record that both parties can retain and manage. It is not only a human readable consent receipt that makes sense at a glance, it also make personal data control much more usable by being systematically usable and administrable on aggregate.  It contains links to policy and contact information which is accessible with one click and enables more advanced and dynamic consent in context.   

A consent receipt also provides an advanced capacity for people to manage consent, in effect enabling a communication channel for consent and future policy communication between both parties.  

Footnote:Advanced applications would enable in context control of consent and use of data.

This receipt specification focuses on the  minimum visual (human readable) format and an equivalent machine readable record that can be aggregated, audited, or used for reporting on data protection and privacy compliance. 

DC’s that share personally identifiable information and/or collect sensitive personal information can go beyond an MVCR and develop a custom extension, use an existing standard, or register their consent receipt with  trusted service providers. Trusted Service providers can provide assurances and audit frameworks that enable compliance with more stringent and complex obligations for sensitive information and/or 3rd party disclosure. (FootNote: These extensions are beyond the scope of an MVCR.)

Consent Notice Data





Example (XDI)

Data Subject

Name or pseudonym of the Data Subject

Data Subject: Alice [=]!:uuid:1111

Sensitive Personal Data Flag (Y/N)

Flag to categorise the information collected as sensitive or not.

Each jurisdiction has classifications of sensitive personal information (privacy): The generally include health, financial, child protection (>14), youth protection(>19 or >22), educational, religious, or political categorisations.

May trigger additional legal notice and consent requirements


Data Controller

Name of the entity issuing the consent receipt. This is the entity accountable by law for the information collected.

Data Controller: Amazon [+]!:uuid:9999


The purpose(s) for which the information is being collected.

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234[<#purpose>]<@0>&/&/"We need to process your payment."

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234[<#purpose>]<@1>&/&/"We  need your data to prevent fraud."

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234[<#purpose>]<@2>&/&/"We will advertise to you."

Privacy Policy

The issuing entity's privacy policy (either inline copy, or reference to URI)

[#receipt]!:uuid:1234<#privacy><#policy>&/&/"copy of privacy policy here"




Location of Consent

The location of the consent provision. from which the consent receipt originates.(i.e. The web page with the consent button.)


Third Party Sharing

Flag whether data is shared with third parties. (Y/N)

May trigger special notice or consent requirements


Site Specific Fields

Additional field or fields as necessary to fulfill the notice and other requirements that the Data Controller may need



Minimum Viable Consent Requirements are a work in progress. On a per jurisdiction basis these can be added to the MVCR as site specific fields. The full reference table can be found here.

Extensions are appended to the MVCR to enhance the compliance, organisational objectives or user experience of the data subject.  

Extension Types (added as site specific fields)



Core Extension

Extend the MVCR

Operation Context

Core extension

Note: For the MVCR draft there is only the online website format context, additional context can be added by extension

3rd Party Extension

Extension that Lists Third Parties

PII List Extensions

Summarizes or lists the PII Collected and used by the DC

Trusted Services

Trust Framework Extensions


Extensions that increase usability and adoption of the consent receipt


Core Extensions

In each jurisdiction, there are sensitive types of personal information found in privacy and data protection law.  Each sensitive type has prescribed contextual requirements that needs to be included in a notice.  Core extensions can be added to the MVCR to meet complex notice requirements and meet the requirements of multiple regulatory jurisdictions.

Core extensions can be used by data controllers to localise the use of consent notices for greater usability,  to specific operational contexts and more granular applications of enforcement.

Operational Context (OC): Legal Requirement for the MVCR Context

In the MVCR spec this is a checklist of provisions to guide the fairness of consent harvesting, the usability of a consent notice and to ensure its compliance.

As a part of creating a receipt for a data subject an organisation displays that they have agreed to implement (or not), the OC requires a checklist accompany the receipt. This functions as a flag: yes or no,  If yes, then there is a self assertion that the notice will be provided in a fair manner with all of the required considerations as prescribed in law in that jurisdiction.  This is then reflected on the consent receipt.

Instructions: This is a self asserted option, the Operational Context is a yes or no flag that the receipt provisioner turns on or off.  Operational context is dependent on the location of consent, the use of personal data, the origin of the data, and type of data provided. As Context of a consent can vary significantly operational requirements will also vary.  

Fair & Reasonable Consent Conditions

Here is a beginning to  a checklist of elements for Operational Consent



Location Specific






Website Consent Form

Provides notice at point of consent for the consequences of not provisioning consent




Website consent form

Indicates what is required, and optional information, to provide for consent




Mobile application


Entering Physical Space

Sign posted upon entry to physical space



Note: Mark to go through legislation across jurisdiction to complie a more comprehensive list

Trusted Services

3rd party trusted services can also be used to extend the compliance or trust inherent to corporate process and these can be added in the form of linked icons in a MVCR. (Note should this refer to a trusted services index)

Site Registration Use Case


This draft of the specification is based on the following scenario.

  • Alice registers with a website, to donate to listen to’s podcast.  

  • At or before the time that Alice registers with, or authenticates using a third party identity provider, to

  •  display all the appropriate privacy policies in standard location of the website

  • 3 secnarios for this use case

    • prior notice was given for consent and needs a receipt

    • current notice is given and requires a receipt

  • and cites, the notice and consent requirements of the regulatory regime in which the web site operates. For the the purposes of this this specification it is assumed that either prior consent receipt has been provided, that this is the first time a consent receipt is provided, or that this is a request for a  consent receipt to be provided (or confirmed) will 

  • consent receipt for website is code that is created via from and is put behind the consente receipt button,

    • This is previously made by filling out a form,

  • A consent receipt is provided at point of consent with a modified consent button

    • To be added

      • walk through of the creation and provision of a consent receipt that conforms to the data specification below.

      • The creation of web site will either provide, or offer to provide, the user with a copy of the consent receipt to complete the registration process.

      • The use case ends when the user accepts the consent receipt, or declines the offer.


Description Detail


Related Requirements

The provision of a consent receipt enables data providers to demonstrate their compliance with regulatory requirements for notice and consent.


Before a consent receipt can be issued the following conditions must be true:

  • The user has provided the necessary information about themselves to complete registration

    • This should include sufficient notice to meet regulatory requirements for the jurisdiction in which the site operates

  • The organization has a privacy policy and/or terms of use and/or equivalent documentation to complete the mandatory fields in the consent receipt.

  • The consent receipt that will be issued is authorized by an appropriate authority in the organization (i.e. this consent receipt is a business record of a transaction).

Successful End Conditions

  • A consent receipt that contains the fields described below has been generated and offered to the data subject.

  • A copy of the consent receipt is stored by the Data Controller.

  • A record of the creation of the consent receipt has been created and logged.

  • The data subject has received a copy of the consent receipt or has indicated that they do not want a copy of the consent receipt.

    • The data subject’s decision about accepting or not accepting the consent receipt will be logged.

Failed End Conditions

The data subject completes site registration with receiving being offered a consent receipt.

Primary Actors

Data Subject

Data Controller

Secondary Actors

Identity Provider

Open Notice Registry: A third party that provides validated information about the Data Controller’s compliance.


Data Subject provision of site registration information.

Main Flow

  1. Data Controller display or provides notice to the data subject

  2. Data subject provides registration information, including personally identifiable information where required.

  3. Data Controller validates input

  4. Data Controller generates and displays consent receipt

  5. Data subject decision receives a copy of the consent receipt

  6. Data Controller stores a copy of the consent receipt

  7. Data Controller logs transaction


2a: Data subject identity information is provided by a third party

5a: Data subject elects not to receive a copy of the consent receipt

6a: Data Controller does not store a copy of the consent receipt



Appendix: Sample Consent Receipts

Example 1. Basic Physical Receipt

A sample consent receipt modelled after a cash register receipt, produced as a pdf file for the data subject to download or print.

Example 2. Personal Data Store

The following example is based on a technical walkthrough with the Respect Network. Respect Network (RN) Technical Demo:

Amazon Respect Use Case: With the Respect Network and Open Notice

(Note: Amazon Respect is a Fictitious organisation used here only as an example)



Implementation of consent receipt which is signed & created by a DC and stored in a personal cloud.

To make consent receipt use scalable, CRs needs to be signed and put in a personal data store as part of the Respect Network.

This specification and demo is created to demonstrate a MVCR being implemented without the need for an Open Notice Registry with the Respect Network (Trusted Network) Trust Framework  which natively has the ability to provision receipts to the highest level of compliance.  This walk-through demo is intended to demonstrate how a consent receipt can be stored in a personal cloud from this spec document and demonstrate 'Fast Track' usability.

  1. DS goes to website

  2. Website presents form and asks for consent:

    1. either to sign up initially, or

    2. for additional consent and profile management when already logged in

  3. DS agrees (clicks on “i agree” button)

  4. DC website initiates creating a receipt for the consent just given.

  5. DC checks for reciept data collection and notice extensions and finishes creating the receipt.

  6. The receipt is signed by DC.

  7. DC website sends an XDI message to DC’s RN cloud to store the signed receipt.

  8. DC shows popup window with options (what to do with the receipt). The signed receipt is embedded in the popup window.

    1. email to DS using email address in amazon profile

    2. store in users personal cloud

    3. capture in browser

    4. download receipt as pdf

    5. opt out of a receipt.  

  9. DS clicks on “store receipt in my RN cloud”. (default option)

  10. Popup window asks DS: what is your cloud name?

  11. DS types cloud name =alice

  12. Popup window runs XDI discovery to find DS’ RN cloud

  13. Popup window sends an XDI message to DS’ RN cloud to store the signed receipt

The Re-usability of a MVCR can then be made scalable for re-use in aggregate. This is beyond the point of consent for the data subject, with a process in whch the receipt is digitally signed by both parties.

This process also identifies the jurisdiction of the Data Controller and of the Data Subject. This example includes signing of the receipt by the DC. (Note: The digital signing of the  DS (data subject) is currently out of scope of the first draft1.)

MVCR Mock Up for Amazon Respect Use Case

Appendix: Consent Receipt Code Generator

In order to enable organizations to provide static consent receipts to their data subjects, a code generator will be provided to enable organizations to enter the basic information for their own MVCR to receive code that they can embed on their own web site.

Main Flow

 1. Organization provides content for minimum viable consent receipt

 2. System validates input

 3. System generates code for embedding

 4. Organization downloads code

 5. Organization installs code on their web site

Please see the conceptual wireframe on the next page.

Appendix C

This is the start to the brief for the demonstrator that this specification will be used to create. 

Sample code generator page