ANCR Consensus Policy
(last edited - 18 Aug)
This ANCR WG Consensus Policy catalogues this work groups consensus and personal data governance. Frame for the development of shared ettiquette in the context of the policies, rules and laws that govern this groupss practices,
This policy is subject to the Kantara Initiative By-laws, procedures, and governing rules,
Kantara Initiative ByLaws
Operating Procedures
Royalty Free, with opt out to RAND
IP Contributions and Licenses :Background
Ettiquete for collaborations and use
This policy treates the Treaty for Convention 108+ as normative, in addition, ISO/IEC 29100, and to a limited non-normative manner 29814 and 27560. All policies, procedures and practices in this policy must be approved with consensus.
The CR V2 specification requires a consent receipt notice to be exchange, this can be exchange technically, or verbally, in a quorate ANCR WG Meeting, as long as it signals the required permissioning, or abstention of permission, and that this is recorded by the ANCR WG secretary in the call.
Policy Table for Work Group Members
Policy Table for Developing WG Specifications
Practice Type | Description | Status |
spec dev and management | Author discretion to invite editors and contributors | pending |
spec dev and management | Author(s) must propose project and receive consensus | pending |
spec dev and management | WG Leadership must provide consensus for specification draft to be shared with ANCR WG, through expanding permissions on the ANCR wiki Kantara LC must approve to be posted for public review by Kantara Community, and community at large Must be approved by Kantara publication to be contributed | pending |
spec publication | must provide spec at least 24 hours to a request to publish | pending |