- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- 2009 Supplemental Budget Requests:
- 2010 Budget Request Continuation:
- Update: Name Change Request:
- From: User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information - Tech WG (UDVPI-Tech)
- To: Information Sharing WG (InfoSharing WG)
- Open Officers Nominations
- Vice-Chair: Colin Wallis
- LC Secretary: 0
- Call for votes
- Follow-on from Tao of Attributes (Paul Trevithic)
- Update: WG/DG participation clarity regarding voting/non-voting status choice
- Update: Chair appoints Eve Maler to be an LC member of the IARB Nominating Committee
- Notice: Call for Acting Chair for next meeting (October 7); Trent regrets being unable to attend
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Attending: 8 of 14 Voting Members
- Quorum Reached
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23
- Minutes accepted as recorded by unanimous consent
- Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23
- 2009 Supplemental Budget Requests:
- Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232477
- In response to the request by the LC in the previous meeting, Frank sent a note to the IAWG mailing list, asking for volunteers and received no responses
- Motion: The LC approve the request for $10,080.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by IAWG as Deliverable 1 to be sent to the BoT for consideration.
- Moved, seconded
- Discussion:
- BoT will likely believe this project has merit, but will need to consider the volunteer vs consultant approach
- If the request is sent to the BoT, the LC should include include the background of the efforts Frank has taken to secure volunteers and a note on time criticality
- For future work, it may help to develop a KI-wide process for organizing calls for volunteers
- Motion carried
- Action Item: Trent to forward the request to the BoT for their consideration, along with notes as discussed
- Motion: The LC approve the request for $37,400 .00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by IAWG as Deliverable 2 to be sent to the BoT for consideration.
- Moved, seconded
- Discussion:
- Request more visibility into how the money is to be spent, including the rate, perhaps at specific spend points (e.g. at each $10k spent)
- How can the LC ensure the door is left open for volunteers to later join the project and lower the actual spend?
- The LC would appreciate an in-depth briefing on the project, including potential relationship to the ARB, prior to requesting the funding from the BoT
- Motion: LC to postpone the vote until next meeting in order for the IAWG to present a briefing on the IAWG and ARB to the LC.
- Moved, seconded, no discussion, motion carried
- Action Item: Frank to set up a briefing for the LC on the IAWG and ARB
- Review: Japan WG - US$2,000 for interpreter services at Kantara Seminar on November 6, 2009 /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232505
- Motion: The LC approve the request for $2,000.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by the Japan WG for interpreter services at the November 6, 2009 event be sent to the BoT for consideration.
- Moved, seconded, no discussion, motion carried
- Action Item: Trent to forward the request to the BoT for their consideration
- Motion: The LC approve the request for $2,000.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by the Japan WG for interpreter services at the November 6, 2009 event be sent to the BoT for consideration.
- Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232477
- 2010 Budget Request Continuation:
- Review: P3WG Request for $4,000 to support 3 events
- Topic tabled until a representative of the P3WG would be available to support.
- Review: P3WG Request for $4,000 to support 3 events
- Update: Name Change Request:
- From: User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information - Tech WG (UDVPI-Tech)
- To: Information Sharing WG (InfoSharing WG)