Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23

Minutes approved on September 30, 2009

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Work Groups:
    • ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
    • ID Assurance: Frank Villavincencio
    • eGov: Colin Wallis
    • Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
    • ULX: Paul Trevithick
    • Japan: Kenji Takahashi
    • Privacy and Public Policy: Robin Wilton
    • IdP Selection: Philippe Clement
  • Discussion Groups:
    • Concordia: Paul Madsen
    • Japan: Kenji Takahashi
    • Identity Community Update: Trent Adams
  • BoT Liaisons:
    • Ken Salzberg
    • Matthew Gardiner
  • Staff:
    • Joni Brennan
    • Dervla O'Reilly
    • Britta Glade
    • Brett McDowell
  • Absent:
    • User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
    • Clients: Conor Cahill
    • UD-VPI Tech: Iain Henderson
    • Healthcare ID Assurance: John Fraser


  • Eve Maler
  • Conor Cahill
  • Iain Henderson


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-09
    2. Review: Leadership Council F2F - 2009-09-14
  3. Conference Wrap-Up
    1. 2010 Budget
    2. OP / Bylaws
  4. 2009 Supplemental Budget Requests:
    1. Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232484
    2. IAWG Budget Requests
  5. Name Change Request:
    1. From: User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information - Tech WG (UDVPI-Tech)
    2. To: Information Sharing WG (acronym?)
  6. Reminder: Nominations for LC Secretary & Vice-Chair
  7. Call schedule proposal: Every other week or monthly.
  8. AOB


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-09
      • Motion: To accept minutes as recorded
      • Moved, Seconded, No Discussion, Passed
    2. Leadership Council F2F - 2009-09-14
      • Motion: To accept minutes as recorded
      • Moved, Seconded, No Discussion, Passed
  3. Conference Wrap-Up
    1. 2010 Budget Request by LC
      • Accepted by BoT for discussion
      • Anticipated two weeks for deliberation
      • The BPC will help review the request in context of the rest of the budget
      • Anticipated response to LC the week of 10/12/2009
      • BoT vote ancitipated 11/5/2009
    2. OP / Bylaws Modifications Proposed by LC
      • Anticipated two weeks for deliberation
      • Anticipated response to LC the week of 10/12/2009
      • BoT vote ancitipated 11/5/2009
      • If BoT approves, changes to to an All-Member ballot
  4. 2009 Supplemental Budget Requests:
    1. /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232484
      • Iain addressed Ken's comments to his satisfaction via email
      • Issues raised by Bob via email were shifted to the proposed 2010 work
      • Motion: To approve the UDVIP-WG 2009 supplemental budget request as submitted for BoT consideration.
      • Moved, Seconded, No Discussion, Passed
      • Action Item: Trent to formally submit the request for funding to the BoT
    2. /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232477
      1. NOTE: The submitted requests included items for 2009 and 2010.  Only "Deliverable #01" and "Deliverable #02" were considered at this time.
      2. Deliverable #01 - Kantarification/Doc hierarchy ($10,080 .00)
        • Output is due by end of year
        • Reason for speed: need to hit aggressive milestones already set; possible the GSA/ICAM work will require this output for their acceptence
        • Discussion: will the output be a template for documentation that could be adopted by other groups?
          • To some degree, but the heirarchy will be IAWG specific
          • Could be focused on setting up a professional KI document stream (i.e. an infrastructure component)
        • Clarification: This is not to hire a subject matter expert (SME), but a technical editor.
        • Suggestion: This could have a revenue component via use within the Assurance Review Board (ARB) work.
        • Discussion: If the LC supports the project, is there a way to help advance it without defaulting to spending in order to achieve the goal?
        • Sense of the Room: There is support for the project but the LC reiterates that WGs need to make every effort to find volunteers before the LC will request funding from the BoT.
        • Further discussion and possible vote on the LC list
      3. Deliverable #02 - Develop Federation Operator Rules and Guidelines (FORG) ($37,400 .00)
        • Reason for speed: Coupled with current GSA/ICAM work
        • Defered for discussion and possible vote on the LC list
      4. Action Item: Trent and Frank to discuss process for next steps in addressing issues raised on the call.
  5. Name Change Request:
    1. From: User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information - Tech WG (UDVPI-Tech)
    2. To: Information Sharing WG (acronym?)
      • Defered for discussion and possible vote on the LC list
      • Action Item: Trent to send motion to the LC list
  6. Reminder: Nominations for LC Secretary & Vice-Chair
    • Nominations start now (September 23, 2009), open for 7 days, vote set for call on September 30, 2009.
    • Action Item: Trent to send call for nominations to the LC list
  7. Call schedule proposal: Every other week or monthly.
    • Plan to go to calls every other week starting in mid October.
  8. No other business
  9. Meeting adjourned at 16:28 UTC

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716