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  • Roll call
  • Minutes approval
  • Report on results of LC call
  • Next steps and other outstanding AIs
    • Interop testing status
    • GitHub issues
    • Do a tweet chat or series?
  • AOB


MOTION: Andi moves: Approve the minutes of UMA telecon 2015-02-23. APPROVED by unanimous consent.


Sal notes that the IDESG has a standards coordinating committee, which accepts nominations for standards. There's a nominating form. He suggests that nominating UMA (or all the "new Venn" standards?) could make sense. They already accepted SAML – it's the first and only one. The next ones in the queue are 853SP 800-37, /53 and ISO 27001 , and 27002. UMA comes up in many IDESG/NSTIC conversations. Is there any downside to nominating UMA? Not that we can see, and there's upside in recognition.
