UMA telecon 2015-02-26
UMA telecon 2015-02-26
Date and Time
- Thu Feb 26 9-10am PT
- Voice: Skype: +99051000000481 or US +1-805-309-2350 (international dial-in lines), room code 178-2540#
- Screen sharing:
- UMA calendar:
- Roll call
- Minutes approval
- Sample motion: Approve the minutes of UMA telecon 2015-02-23.
- Report on results of LC call
- Next steps and other outstanding AIs
- Interop testing status
- GitHub issues
- Do a tweet chat or series?
Roll call
Quorum was reached.
Minutes approval
MOTION: Andi moves: Approve the minutes of UMA telecon 2015-02-23. APPROVED by unanimous consent.
Report on results of LC call
The LC voted unanimously to approve the specs as Draft Recommendations.
The Kantara member "magic number" of Yes votes needed is 15%, or at this stage, 9 members of 61.
Who is willing to participate in a GOTV effort if they are "connected" to the Kantara member representatives in question? Eve, Mike, Sal, Ishan, Andi, Maciej.
Next steps and other outstanding AIs
Sal notes that the IDESG has a standards coordinating committee, which accepts nominations for standards. There's a nominating form. He suggests that nominating UMA (or all the "new Venn" standards?) could make sense. They already accepted SAML – it's the first and only one. The next ones in the queue are SP 800-37/53 and ISO 27001 and 27002. UMA comes up in many IDESG/NSTIC conversations. Is there any downside to nominating UMA? Not that we can see, and there's upside in recognition.
AI: Sal: Fill out the form and share with the WG before sending in.
Roland has apparently added the RSR tests to the UMA suite. Eve will be able to add spec references shortly.
GitHub "issues":
- IP statement and contribution management
Here is what the CIS WG is planning to put on their repo (we think at the readme level):
Kantara Initiative is a non-profit membership organization that connects businesses, consumers, governments, and citizens through innovations and programs that support more natively trust worthy on-line experiences. The mission of KI is to foster identity community harmonization, interoperability, innovation, and broad adoption through the development criteria for operational trust frameworks and deployment/usage best practices for privacy-respecting, secure access to trusted online services.
The documents in this space are being developed by Kantara Initiative's Consent and Information Sharing Working Group; see <>. Participation is free and open, and all work contributed to the effort falls into the Reciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-Out to Reasonable And Nondiscriminatory (RAND) IPR policy <>.
To join the mailing lists and to contribute to the discussion around consent, join the Consent and Information Sharing Working group: <>
Shall we do this? Yes. Should we try and make this a common spec header? Examine this option.
AI: Eve: Do this.
- Help straightening out the repo once and for all
Eve has some past history of the spec revs. Should we capture this, or not? The IETF I-D versions are a coarse-grained method captured in XML form, and they can even show us diffs on the IETF site. So we can just push the current XML state to the repo and not worry about it. However, Eve would like to fix this problem in future. Apparently is favored, or a command line. People also mention
Do a tweet chat or series? The idea is that it's about UMA and its current state, maybe for a developer audience. Too early for that? Mike thinks having a showcase application first is better. Maybe then for architects?
The RSA crowdsourced session submissions close very soon! After this, it will be time to GOTV for those too.
For CIS, we think UMA will get covered somehow, either by Eve if she can attend, or hopefully by someone she nominates.
AI: Eve: Put in an issue to make an editorial correction to the example in RSR Sec 2.3.3 to change it to 200 OK from 204 No Content.
Outstanding AIs:
- AI: Eve: Edit UIG (Mike's input, Zhanna/Andi's input)
- AI: Maciej: Write as many sections for the UIG as he can. (smile)
- This is under way.
- AI: Eve: Send suggested updates to Will at Gluu for English page updating, and to Domenico for Italian page updating, and to Rainer for hoped-for German page updating, and to Riccardo Abeti for the Spanish page, and to Mark for a Dutch translation.
- Pending.
- AI: Ishan: Review the FAQ for needed updates (
- Suggestions sent – review together?
- AI: Robert: Noodle on the kitten metaphor.
- He's working on a Justice project with lots of access control use cases. He's still thinking about the "simple story" slides.
As of 13 Feb 2015, quorum is 7 of 13. (Dom, Sal, Mark, Thomas, Andrew, Robert, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Jin, Ishan, Ravi, John)
- Eve
- Andi
- Mark
- John
- Jin
- Ishan
- Robert
- Mike
- Maciej
- Sal
- Domenico
Non-voting participants:
- Zhanna
- Marcelo