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titleDraft Minutes - to be approved on October 7, 2009

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Table of Contents

Date and Time




  • Work Groups:
    • ULX: Paul Trevithick
    • Clients: Conor Cahill
    • User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
    • UD-VPI Tech: Joe Andrieu
    • eGov: Colin Wallis
    • ID Assurance: Frank Villavincencio
  • Discussion Groups:
    • Identity Community Update: Trent Adams
  • BoT Liaisons:
    • Ken Salzberg
    • Matthew Gardiner
  • Staff:
    • Joni Brennan
    • Dervla O'Reilly
  • Absent:
    • Privacy and Public Policy: Robin Wilton
    • Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
    • Healthcare ID Assurance: John Fraser
    • ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
    • IdP Selection: Philippe Clement
    • Concordia: Paul Madsen
    • Japan WG: Kenji Takahashi
    • Japan DG: Kenji Takahashi


  • Robin Wilton
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Brett McDowell
  • Kenji Takahashi
  • Paul Madsen


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23
  3. 2009 Supplemental Budget Requests:
    1. Review: IAWG Budget Requests (Deliverables 1 and 2)Review: Japan WG - US$2,000 for interpreter services at Kantara Seminar on November 6, 2009 /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232477
    2. Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232505
  4. 2010 Budget Request Continuation:
    1. Review: P3WG Request for $4,000 to support 3 events
  5. Update: Name Change Request:
    1. From: User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information - Tech WG (UDVPI-Tech)
    2. To: Information Sharing WG (InfoSharing WG)
  6. Open Officers Nominations
    1. Vice-Chair: Colin Wallis
    2. LC Secretary: 0
    3. Call for votes
  7. Follow-on from Tao of Attributes (Paul Trevithic)
  8. Update: WG/DG participation clarity regarding voting/non-voting status choice
  9. Update: Chair appoints Eve Maler to be an LC member of the IARB Nominating Committee
  10. Notice: Call for Acting Chair for next meeting (October 7); Trent regrets being unable to attend
  11. AOB


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
    • Attending: 8 of 14 Voting Members
    • Quorum Reached
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-23
      • Minutes accepted as recorded by unanimous consent
  3. 2009 Supplemental Budget Requests:
    1. Review: IAWG Budget Requests (Deliverables 1 and 2) /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232477
      • In response to the request by the LC in the previous meeting, Frank sent a note to the IAWG mailing list, asking for volunteers and received no responses
      • Motion: The LC approve the request for $10,080.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by IAWG as Deliverable 1 to be sent to the BoT for consideration.
        • Moved, seconded
        • Discussion:
          • BoT will likely believe this project has merit, but will need to consider the volunteer vs consultant approach
          • If the request is sent to the BoT, the LC should include include the background of the efforts Frank has taken to secure volunteers and a note on time criticality
          • For future work, it may help to develop a KI-wide process for organizing calls for volunteers
        • Motion carried
        • Action Item: Trent to forward the request to the BoT for their consideration, along with notes as discussed
      • Motion: The LC approve the request for $37,400 .00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by IAWG as Deliverable 2 to be sent to the BoT for consideration.
        • Moved, seconded
        • Discussion:
          • Request more visibility into how the money is to be spent, including the rate, perhaps at specific spend points (e.g. at each $10k spent)
          • How can the LC ensure the door is left open for volunteers to later join the project and lower the actual spend?
          • The LC would appreciate an in-depth briefing on the project, including potential relationship to the ARB, prior to requesting the funding from the BoT
        • Motion: LC to postpone the vote until next meeting in order for the IAWG to present a briefing on the IAWG and ARB to the LC.
          • Moved, seconded, no discussion, motion carried
        • Action Item: Frank to set up a briefing for the LC on the IAWG and ARB
    2. Review: Japan WG - US$2,000 for interpreter services at Kantara Seminar on November 6, 2009 /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232505
      • Motion: The LC approve the request for $2,000.00 in supplemental funding in 2009 as made by the Japan WG for interpreter services at the November 6, 2009 event be sent to the BoT for consideration.
        • Moved, seconded, no discussion, motion carried
      • Action Item: Trent to forward the request to the BoT for their consideration
  4. 2010 Budget Request Continuation:
    1. Review: P3WG Request for $4,000 to support 3 events
      • Topic tabled until a representative of the P3WG would be available to support.
  5. Update: Name Change Request:
    1. From: User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information - Tech WG (UDVPI-Tech)
    2. To: Information Sharing WG (InfoSharing WG)
  1. #* Motion carried via e-ballot
    • Action Item: Joni to work with the UDVPI-Tech WG to orchestrate the change to their new name.
  2. Open Officers Nominations
    1. Vice-Chair: Colin Wallis
      • Motion: The LC accept Colin Wallis as the LC Vice-Chair
        • Moved, seconded, motion carried
      • Action Item: Staff work with Colin to ensure he has appropriate access to resources.
    2. LC Secretary: 0
      • No action
  3. Follow-on from Tao of Attributes (Paul Trevithic)
    • The workshop was a one-time event to discuss issues related to attributes across identity technologies
    • There were approximately 150 attendees (physical and virtual)
    • There was a (roughly) 30-minute discussion about setting up an Identity Schemas Registry (e.g. cross between a wiki and technical registry)
    • Suggested by multiple parties that Kantara might be a good participant in the project, possibly sponsored by the GSA.
    • It was noted that ISOC has an interest in the project as well
  4. Update: WG/DG participation clarity regarding voting/non-voting status choice
    • WGs/DGs are effectively meeting quorum using the rules outlined in the OP
    • The BoT has provided guidance that the OP and Bylaws support changes to the Member sign-up process to offer an "opt out" to voting option
    • Action Item: Staff to work on changes to the sign-up forms.
  5. Update: Chair appoints Eve Maler to be an LC member of the IARB Nominating Committee
  6. Notice: Call for Acting Chair for next meeting (October 7); Trent regrets being unable to attend
    • Colin, as new LC Vice-Chair will run the meeting, but will need help formulating the agenda in advance as he will be away from the office from Monday until the call on Wednesday.
  7. AOB
    • No other business.
  8. Meeting adjourned at 23:21 UTC
