UMA telecon 2022-09-29

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Core UMA content (no use-case)

Continue discussion ‘UMA by example’ content

audience: NOT technical, business people - what value does uma provide a data custodian, users(?) - what value does uma provide the resource owner

physical access vs digital access vs uma against use-case: car, documents, building access

General intro to Authorization: through example, lending

base example, lending car or documents? → broad authZ open garage everything is there. In uma, only the car is there

home example, loaning car in the garage

condo example, valet key

digital example: car manufacturer managed sharing,

uma example: user managed sharing

car, access to the garage, key to the car → broad since can access anything in the garage, key to glovebox. “Allowed to drive between 12-3, not more than 20mi”

condo concierge: RO not present, with someone enforcing my wishes

→ shift to digital

FAPI Part 1 Review and Discussion 

Part 1: Baseline

5.2.2. Authorization server

15. shall return the list of granted scopes with the issued access token if the request was passed in the front channel and was not integrity protected;

17. should clearly identify the details of the grant to the user during authorization as in 16.18 of OIDC;

NOTE: The requirement to return the list of granted scopes allows clients to detect when the authorization request was modified to include different scopes. Servers must still return the granted scopes if they are different from those requested.

Could an UMA Auth Server support OIDC and the openid scope? tentative yes

Overall, and UMA AS should be able to support FAPI basiline profile (part 1)

Policy Descriptions


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