UMA telecon 2022-06-30
UMA telecon 2022-06-30
UMA telecon 2022-06-30
Date and Time
- Primary-week Thursdays 06:30am PT; Secondary-week Thursdays 10:00am PT
- Screenshare and dial-in: https://zoom.us/j/99487814311?pwd=dTAvZi9uN0ZmeXJReWRrc1Zycm5KZz09
United States: +1 (224) 501-3316, Access Code: 485-071-053
- See UMA calendar for additional details: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/uma/Calendar
- Approve minutes since UMA telecon 2022-03-31
- Charter Refresh
- Home Page Refresh
- NOTE: As of October 26, 2020, quorum is 5 of 9. (Michael, Domenico, Peter, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Alec, Eve, Steve)
- Voting:
- Steve
- Alec
- Eve
- Peter
- Sal
- Non-voting participants:
- Lenore
- Scott
- Chris
- Regrets:
Quorum: Yes
Meeting Minutes
Approve previous meeting minutes
- Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2022-03-31, UMA telecon 2022-04-06, UMA telecon 2022-04-14, UMA telecon 2022-04-21, UMA telecon 2022-05-05, UMA telecon 2022-05-12, UMA telecon 2022-05-19, UMA telecon 2022-05-26, UMA telecon 2022-06-02, UMA telecon 2022-06-16
- Quorum
- Eve moves to approve, Peter seconds! motion passed
Identiverse Recap
Industry self-reflection
- is identity a dual use technology? seems to be true of anything, needs to stay mindful always
- Identity as a surveillance tool
- Shifting of the surveillance to the wallet
- aka WebAuthn aka FIDO
- would this work on linux or open source OS?
GAIN (global assured identity network)
- https://gainforum.org/ and whitepaper: https://gainforum.org/GAINWhitePaper.pdf
- starting a poc effort at openid: https://openid.net/gainpoc/
- lead to a new effort 'open wallet foundation', open source wallet
- general audience struggles with: correlation handles, claims pushing
- the added value needs to overcomes the pain of change
- options make specs hard to understand (and test!)
- can we show simple uma flows, uma cookbook?
- eg just auth code flow (no claims pushing), just claims pushing (no auth code) as profiles
- or profiles that remove optionality of path names, make interop testing easier
- good designs for resource registration against FHIR (or open banking/FPX)
Shared Signals & Events
- https://openid.net/wg/sse/, https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/secevent/about/
- "what happens when identity people develop webhooks"
- SSE is main protocol, CAEP defines events to be sent
- getting a lot of traction
- should we try to create an UMA knowledge base articles? YES
- not a ton of content
- new HEART whitepaper "The Global Open Health Movement: Empowering People and Saving Lives by Unlocking Data"
Home Page Refresh
Charter Refresh
draft completed, will socialize on the list for feedback
- US is working on federal privacy legislation! A rights/responsibilities framework without requirements
Potential Future Work Items / Meeting Topics
- Confluence clean up, archive old items and promote the latest & greatest
- Review of the email-poc correlated authorization specification
- A financial use-case report (following the Julie healthcare template)
- either open banking or pensions dashboard
- openbanking is to FHIR(data model) as FAPI is to SMARTonFHIR(authZ protocol profile)
- mDL + UMA
- UMA + GNAP https://oauth.xyz/specs/
- would we have an UMA GNAP version (eg extension of GNAP or UMA? UMAonGNAP)
- will GNAP meet all the UMA outcomes?
- IDPro knowledge base articles
- UMA 2 playground/sandbox
Upcoming Conferences
- IIW 35, November 15 - 17
- Gartner and Federal ID coming up soon
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