- ISI WG well-formed and functioning as projects in teams in the following areas of:
- Notice and Consent
- AdvCIS
- Reviewing ver 1.1 for fixes and deep dives into new requirements and features in a version 2.0 spec
- Information Sharing Sustainability (variations on JLINC, and application layer protocol)
- Privacy-Preserving Information Sharing
- Still forming in an inviting state for other ISI members
- IntentCasting
- Launched and will have its first meeting on April 17th
- Personal Data Receipt
- Framework
- Draft Primer and overview
- Framework flow diagram WIP
- Special Report to be published on BIT (Blinding Identity Taxonomy)
- Ad-hoc group of ISI members finishing a report for BIT use by governments
- Lead by Paul Knowles, John Wunderlich, Ken Klingenstein and Jim Pasquale
- Initial workplace for a Kantara Blinding Identity Taxonomy:
- 1. Preview the B.I.T. to the membership (elements plus description)
- 2. B.I.T. Report - Explanation of the B.I.T. methodology and applications - Use Cases - Schema and Profiles - The taxonomy itself - Appendices
- 3. Convert Report to a Kantara Standard/Specification
- 4. Kantara B.I.T. Assurance Service