A few months ago the FIRE WG representative to the Kantara Initiative Education Foundation shared that the FIRE WG would seek funding to support the pursuit of a grant to:
- Establish an assurance program for high assurance tokens and applications and to that end has fine-tuned the scoop to Public Health Centers - Vulnerable Populations, an activity that would build out the proposed sandbox :
- In addition to the above, also being considered is the build out the IDEF Registry from a partially designed and functional self-attested registry (NIST funded) to a Federated IDEF-Registry on a functional trust platform with a Trust Registry that would involve three Kantara WG’s: HIAWG, IAWG and FIRE. The application would be a Kantara assets which all the WG’s could contribute too and benefit from.
- ONC and CMS has funding and a need in light of COVID -19. This was briefly discussed at the HIAWG meeting last week with Dr. Tom, Colin and me online; we agreed to have a follow up call.