2018-05-14 Member Plenary, Unterschleißheim (Munich), Germany

2018-05-14 Member Plenary, Unterschleißheim (Munich), Germany


TimeItemDiscussion Leader
15 minutesCall to Order



Executive Director

Roll CallLC Chair

Agenda BashingAll
45 minutesWhere are we now?

2017 Year in Review - The Groups

LC Chair

Balanced Scorecard (BSC) - Setting Objectives

  • Discussion about the BSC methodology, the four 'perspectives', and refinement of the initial set of Objectives
LC Chair
20 minutesBreak
40 minutesWhere do we want to be in December 2019?

Ideas for new work or new phases of current work

  • Proposals and discussion of ideas for the next round of work projects
50 minutesHow will we get there?

Balanced Scorecard - Practical metrics and targets

  • Short discussion about metrics for measurement of progress
LC Chair

Balanced Scorecard - Group Initiatives that will 'move the needle'

  • For example, we might discuss questions like "What could we do to increase publication downloads to 1000 per month by 2019?"
LC Chair
10 minutesWrap-up

Action items & ProposalsAll

Meeting Attachments

  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Kantara LC update to the AGM 2018-05-14.docx

May 12, 2018 by Former user


Background Reading

2017 Mid-year LC Blog Update

We are at the mid-point of 2017 now: time for a quick update on initiatives related to the Groups side of Kantara.

  • At the Board of Directors strategic development meetings in 2017, a new Kantara mission statement was developed and approved:

    The Kantara Initiative is the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization and good practice.
  • Breaking this mission down to its core assertions, one can see that the Leadership Council and the Groups we lead are embodying and advancing the mission.
    • "Global Consortium": Kantara group participants are Kantara members and non-member participants from around the globe. This brings fruitful contrasting views to solving problems and developing consensus publications.
    • "Trustworthy use of Identity": Many of the Kantara Groups are working on digital identity topics: Identity Assurance, Identity Relationship Management, ID Pro
    • "Trustworthy use of Personal Data": UMA, Consent and Information Sharing and other Groups being formed in the second half of 2017
    • "Innovation": Lots of ground-breaking development of concepts and specifications - Kantara Groups are open participation and intended to foster innovation with low barriers to participate
    • "Standardization": Group publications feed into the Kantara Conformity Assessment Program. Organizations are able to undergo 3rd party certification that they fulfill the requirements of Identity Assurance standards. By the end of 2017, Kantara plans to have additional Conformity Assessment Schemes available for 1st party attestation and 3rd party certification, initially focused on Privacy Notice and Consent processes.
    • "Good Practice": Kantara Groups provide the platform for technical communities to assemble and develop consensus publications of good practice in their interest area. The organizational processes of Kantara are able to take these statements of good practice into standards publications and through to Conformity Assessment and certification.
  • In the first half of 2017, our Groups have been finalizing and publishing Reports and Recommendations for public consumption:
    • SAML v2.0 Implementation Profile for Federation Interoperability
    • Consent Receipt Technical Specification Recommendation v1.0
    • Refining the Design Principles of Identity Relationship Management v2.0f
    • Report from the Blockchain and Smart Contracts Discussion Group to the Kantara Initiative
    • UMA 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization
    • Federated Authorization for UMA 2.0
  • The net result is a noticeable uptick in interest in Kantara's ID Assurance Conformity Assessment Program and increased interest in Kantara membership.
  • All of which is fulfilling one of the informal primary objectives of the Leadership Council: to cause interesting work to happen and be published for the good of the broader digital identity and personal data community.

Please spread the word and invite your colleagues to participate - we always need bright sparks to engage and use Kantara to achieve their goals - it's the power source for the engine!

Balanced Scorecard

Andrew Hughes, LC Chair

The Kantara Initiative is the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization and good practice.

Since being elected LC Chair, I have been working to support the work of Kantara Groups and to instigate development in new work areas that can be improved through work at Kantara. In 2017, I was looking for a performance management approach to make the great work done in Kantara's Groups more visible and to guide us towards work that supports the overall Kantara mission. I chose the Balanced Scorecard methodology for this purpose. The Balanced Scorecard is a simple structure that defines four perspectives by which to measure the organization. The 'classic' perspectives are: Customer, Financial, Internal Business Process, Learning & Growth.

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) work we will do at the Member Plenary will refine that first year's BSC and will help to frame the Group initiatives and strategies for the next 18 months. In order to use this methodology in the Kantara organizational context, I have translated these into four Kantara perspectives: 

Kantara Groups' Perspectives

MeaningBSC Perspectives
Consumers of Group Outputs

Consumers of Group Outputs are :
-- Downloaders of Kantara Recommendations and Reports
-- Participants in other Kantara Groups
-- Other parts of the Kantara Organization, including participants in Kantara's Conformity Assessment Schemes and Programs
-- Kantara members
-- Prospective Members of Kantara

Kantara Member Value for MoneyThis perspective relates to the increasing "Member Equity" in Kantara as an organization. A measure of the relevance and perceived value of being a Member.Financial
Administrative / Internal ProcessesThis perspective relates to the ease of participation in Groups and increasing efficiency in administrative processes.Internal Processes

Depth of Knowledge Bases, Aggregate Capabilities of Participants, Range of High Value Knowledge Domains

This perspective relates to the actual aggregate value of Kantara assets which are created and maintained by Groups.

Learning & Growth

Starting from these four perspectives, we will develop and confirm three strategic objectives per perspective. Each objective gets one or two measures (that should not require Group leaders to do status reports!) and associated targets.

Proposed initiatives and work plans can be developed, adjusted and evaluated using the BSC to ensure that the work is aligned with the Kantara mission and that it takes a broad view of the benefits to Kantara Members into account.

Background reading from the internet:

The Balanced Scorecard is a management system. It’s a way of looking at your organization that focuses on your big-picture strategic goals. It also helps you choose the right things to measure so that you can reach those goals.

Traditionally, companies have judged their health by how much money they make. Financial measures are definitely important, but they only give you part of the picture. They focus on the short-term, and you’re trying to build an organization to stand the test of time. The name “balanced scorecard” comes from the idea of looking at strategic measures in addition to traditional financial measures to get a more “balanced” view of performance.

It’s this focus on both high-level strategy and low-level measures that sets the balanced scorecard apart from other performance management methodologies. It takes your big, fuzzy strategic vision and breaks it down into specific, actionable steps to take on a day-to-day basis. (1)

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was originally developed by Dr. Robert Kaplan of Harvard University and Dr. David Norton as a framework for measuring organizational performance using a more BALANCED set of performance measures. (2)

(1) https://balancedscorecards.com/balanced-scorecard/#learn-overview

(2) http://www.balancedscorecard.org/BSC-Basics/About-the-Balanced-Scorecard

(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balanced_scorecard

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