Age Verification (simple case)

Age Verification (simple case)

Age verification for entry to a commercial establishment

Description (User Story)

As a 21-year-old person, I want to be able to a nightclub with my friends so that I can enjoy an evening out.

Hope is a person who wants to enter a commercial establishment like a nightclub or a movie theatre where the establishment has a legal or policy requirement to ensure that only individuals at or above a specified age may enter. This might be the drinking age set by the local authorities or the age requirement for certain categories of movies. 


Hope approaches the entrance to the club. The doorman at the club looks at Hope and decides that she may not be old enough to enter the establishment legally. The doorman asks Hope for a credential proving she is old enough to enter. The establishment has a plainly visible sign near the entrance that says, in effect, "Management reserves the right to ask for proof of age, before allowing entry". When asked for proof of age, Alice opens her credential on her mobile device and presents it to a verifying device. The verifying device receives an image of Hope's face and either her date of birth or a binary flag indicating whether or not she meets the age requirement of the establishment. The doorman looks at the verifying device, sees Hope's facial image and compares it with the person in front of him. He then sees that there is a simple yes/no indicator that Hope meets the age requirement. Based on this, the doorman either allows Hope in or refuses entrance.

Secondary Use Case (optional)

It may be that the verifying establishment would like to collect more information from Hope than simple age verification, such as her name and email for marketing purposes. In this case, Hope should be presented with an on-device request to release optional information and an option to either opt-in (consent) or opt-out (deny) of providing the requested information. The request should specify the requested information (name and e-mail address) and for what purposes (marketing) and then allow Hope to choose. 


ActorRole in the use case

The person who seeks to enter an establishment with an age requirement for entry. Hope holds a mobile credential, such as a mobile Driving License (mDL) or state-issued verifiable credential (VC), that she can use to demonstrate that she is of age in the jurisdiction.

Hope is the Holder of the mobile credential that is on her credential Provider, typically a wallet or app on her mobile device.


Victor is the entity or the entity's representative this seeks to verify Hope's age for entry.

Victor is the Verifier of the mobile credentials. The Verifier component used by Victor is the device to which, including software, Hope presents her mobile credential.

User Stories

As a,personTypically a person whose appearance makes the request for age verification a reasonable request.
I wantto demonstrate that I am of age for the establishmentA privacy-preserving demonstration should include the minimum information for proof of presence (the person is actually the Holder) and that they meet the requirement - a yes/no indicator.
so thatI can receive age-specific services from the establishment
Acceptance Criteria
Giventhe Holder has a Provider (a wallet or an app) holding her mobile credential. 
Whenthe Verifier asks for proof of age, and the Holder presents their Provider
Thenthe Verifer can verify the Holder is present and meets the age requirement.

Prerequisites / Assumptions

  • The Holder has a Provider that holds her mobile credential
  • The Verifier has a component that can read mobile credentials
  • Both the Holder and the Verifier have components that can interoperate with each other
  • The Verifier has a basis for asking for personal information from the Holder such as
    • Legal requirement 
    • Free and informed consent
    • Legitimate business interest

Use Case Details


The Holder's reasonable expectation of privacy in this use case is that the Verifier will only require the minimum amount of information necessary for entry. Further, unless there is a specific requirement for data retention in the jurisdiction, there should be no retention of personal information without appropriate notice and consent.

Data Provided

Primary Use Case

  • Facial image for proof of presence
  • Yes/No result for age

Secondary Use Case

  • Holder's name
  • Holder's email address

Data Retained

Primary Use Case

  • None

Secondary Use Case

  • Name and email address 



Primary Use Case

The anticipated normal sequence





Secondary Use Case(s)

Alternate or variant sequences





Sequence Diagram

End State

Describe what measures or signifies the end of the case


Markers or metrics that indicate success



Markers or metrics that indicate failure



Champion / Stakeholder

List of the people that created the use case

Related Material

Resources and Links

Related content

ANCR:0PN-TFP for Age Assurance: Demonstrating Digital Governance Interoperability (draft v0.2)
ANCR:0PN-TFP for Age Assurance: Demonstrating Digital Governance Interoperability (draft v0.2)
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