User Stories
User Stories
Page Status: DRAFT
To create a new use case page, first sign-in and then click on the three dots (ellipses) to the right of Create above, and select "Mobile Credential Use Case Template"
Abstract Use Cases
Age Verification
Age Verification (simple case)
Biometric Pre Check
Biometric Proofing on device
Credential Aggregation
Credential Policy Coordination
Generic Platform User Story
Generic Presentation Exchange
Identity Attribute Presentation
Merge rules in airport between embarkation and debarkation
Read-Only Credentials
Shared use between Holder and Verifier
Page Tasks
- John Wunderlich to discuss adding two use cases from mDL work at Secure Technology Alliance: BOPIS (Buy Online Pickup In-Store) and EGRESS (e.g. Drop off a rental car and leave) Christopher Williams to describe?