11_V_PL: Segregated Accountability

11_V_PL: Segregated Accountability

Statement: Verifiers shall not enter into collusive practices with Issuing Authorities or other Verifiers.

Review Meeting(s): TBD

Status: Draft

Segregated Accountability

Segregated Accountability

Statement (Single phrase or sentence)

Verifiers shall not enter into collusive practices with Issuing Authorities or other Verifiers.


To avoid dilution of accountability or the possibility of regulatory capture, verifiers shall not engage in practices to discover the uses of mDLs, enable user re-identification, or enable traceability across Verifiers.

Scope (applies to)

Part A: Verifiers
Part B: Issuers
Part C: Providers

Select the Primary Consideration*

CC (Consent and Choice)
PL (Purpose legitimacy and specification)
CL (Collection limitation)
DM (Data minimization)
UR (Use, retention, and disclosure limitation)
AQ (Accuracy and quality)
OT (Openness, transparency, and access)
IA (Individual access & participation)
AC (Accountability)
IS (Information Security)
PS (Privacy compliance)



Select other relevant considerations

CC (Consent and Choice)
PL (Purpose legitimacy and specification)
CL (Collection limitation)
DM (Data minimization)
UR (Use, retention, and disclosure limitation)
AQ (Accuracy and quality)
OT (Openness, transparency, and access)
IA (Individual access & participation)
AC (Accountability)
IS (Information Security)
PS (Privacy compliance)

Related Requirements

Explanatory Notes (Text or Link)

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