• Ready for review
  • ANCR WG Roadmap


    Dec2023Jan2024FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovMarker 1
    0PN:ANCR Framework & Program
    TPS Scheme
    PII Controller Credential
    Mirrored Record-IS
    New Lane

    Program for use of TPS Scheme / ISO etc

    Provide Feedback for use as ISO / Benchmark

    Report to Canadian ISO/Commitee and Age Standards Groups

    0PN-ANCR-Framework and AuthC

    Draft1: DPT-TPS

    DPT-TPS-Use Cases

    Report to Canadian ISO/Commitee and Age Standards Groups

    Version 0.9


    Version 7 to 8

    AuthC v0.1



    Roadmap item



    Milestone Achieved



    Roadmap item



    Milestone Achieved

    ANCR Charter

    The Charter for the ANCR work group

    V2 (up for comment)

    V2 draft Charter

    Consensus Protocol

    Operational work protocol for the ANCR WG


    Added to Charter

    Digital Privacy Transparency Conformance & Compliance Scheme 1. Part 1 & 2

    Presents 4 Transparency Performance Indicators and rating for capturing a controller consent record.

    in progress v0.9.1.1

    WG Comment Review
    - Comments Received
    _ update in progress
    _ posting on Wiki for Community Review - Dec 3,.

    PII Controller Notice Credential

    Entity:Org/Company/Gov Department: legal Identity, and individual in charge, + Delegation to a DPO-Controller. relevant to the PII collection/access or use Context


    Draft -Expected Dec, 2023

    ANCR Record Information Structure

    Mapping and extending ISO 27560 record structure


    Notice Controller Record Schema and Specification

    Consent Receipt V2 (AuthC: Exchange)

    Notice, Notary, Consent Receipt Tokenization




    NIST Conformance


    Privacy Framework contribution


    1. The ANCR WG Charter Update

    2. The ANCR WG consensus protocol be established for work product and implement it in the ANCR Github Repo

    3. The ANCR WG has an updated Roadmap that includes active work, and proposed work, see above.

    4. The Roadmap is defined in the scope of the Charter, open on GitHub for comment

    5. ANCR WG Roadmap Updates

      1. Publish a set of Transparency Performance Indicators (TPIs) that adhere and make use of both international legal and technical standards. The TPIs are part of an associated Code of Conduct, and a digital transparency, notice and consent framework that can be adequate globally.

      2. Develop a work-plan for the next generation of the Consent Receipt v2 (e.g., tokenization) including where this best tackle place.

      3. Update the initial consent receipt specification by specifying the explicit consent record fields for legal proof(s) of notice and proof of consent.

      4. In the Consent Receipt v2 update and take advantage of ISO 29184 and ISO 27560 and other relevant technical standards, laws and policy developments.



    ANCR WG Overview

    This work group engineers Digital Privacy Transparency with record and receipt specifications.


    📈 Team metrics

    DPT Scheme Draft #1

    Updated Dec 6, 2023

    On track

    Notice Credential #2

    Updated Dec 6, 2023

    On track

    ANCR Record Structure #3

    Updated Dec 6, 2023

    On track / Off track


     About ANCR

    ANCR stands for (Anchored Notice and Consent Receipt), refers to a record being anchored with primary trust and control of the Individual (PII Principle or Data Subject).

    ANCR WG: Specification Roadmap

    Join ANCR WG – See Schedule Below


     Meet the team


    Co-Chair & Editor

    WG Secretary

     Our blog





    Search restricted to ANCR WG


     Latest updates

    Recent updates


     Featured resources

    ANCR WG Roadmap

    ANCR TPS Scheme


     Our calendar

    Team Timezones

    ANCR General Mtg

    ANCR WG : General Meeting Every 2 weeks

    Dec 20, 2023

    Jan 3, 2024

    Jan 17, 2024

    Jan 31, 2024


    2024 Q1 Milestone Goals

    v0.9 ANCR Compliance & Conformance Scheme

    v0.6 Controller Notice Credential

    v0.8 ANCR Record Information Structure

    v0.3 AuthC: Authorisation from Consent



    • NIST Mapping

    • Consensus Proposals