2024-Charter v2

2024-Charter v2

**(1) WG NAME (and any acronym or abbreviation of the name):** _ _


_Anchored Notice and Consent Receipt Work Group_


**ANCR** **WG**


**(2) PURPOSE:**


  1. To provide a protocol and framework that is based on transparency, notice, and consent that supports the use of records and receipts (Consent Receipts) for decentralized authorization independent of identifier technology.

  2. To provide a set of Transparency Performance Indicators (TPIs), and an associated conformance program, to establish a baseline and measurement mechanism for digital transparency, notice, and consent.

  3. To further develop the initial Consent Receipt work with a specification for an anchor receipt for notice of purpose and context, and for proof of notice, that supports decentralized governance and authorization (Auth C) by individual human beings, regulators, data controllers, and data processor. Collaborate with other Kantara, and community and standards groups in the adoption of the protocol and the anchor receipt.

  4. Contribute the specification so it can be used in an open governance framework.

  5. Contribute the specification and the work in the furtherance of the governance of a Digital Commons.

  6. Contribute the specification and the work to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for its use in related specifications.

  7. Contribute the specification and the work to the Kantara Initiative for use in identity, privacy, and security governance frameworks and conformance programs.


**(3) SCOPE:**


1. _Publish as a Kantara Recommendation a set of Transparency Performance Indicators (TPIs) that adhere to and make use of international legal and technical standards. To complement the TPIs, publish an associated Code of Conduct, as part of a Digital Transparency, Notice, and Consent Framework that can be adequate globally._

2. _Develop a workplan for the next generation of the Consent Receipt v2 (e.g., tokenization) including where this best takes place. _

1. _Update the initial Consent Receipt specification by specifying the explicit consent record fields for legal proof(s) of notice and proof of consent. _

2. _In the Consent Receipt v2, incorporate ISO 29184 and ISO 27560 and other relevant technical standards, laws, and policies._


**(4) DRAFT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:** _List Working Titles of draft Technical Specifications to be produced_ _(if any), projected completion dates, and the Standards Setting Organization(s) to which they will be submitted upon approval by the Membership._


**(5) DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS:** _Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for_ _submission for All Member Ballot._


| **Name** | **Description** | **Link** | **Spec input summary** | **date reviewed** |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| None |






**(6) LEADERSHIP:** _Proposed WG Chair and Editor(s)_


- Chairs & Secretary (initial)

- Co-Chair - Sal D'Agostino

- Editor - Mark Lizar

- Secretary – Gigi Agassini


**(7) AUDIENCE:** _Anticipated audience or users of the work includes:_


Software developers and product managers as a means of achieving interoperability across a wide range of identity, security, and privacy use cases. Developers of decentralized governance and next generation internet services.


Regulators looking for technical controls to implement legal requirements that scale.


Individual people, as the notice and consent receipts provide an alternative/complement to terms of services and privacy policies, and provide something that people can understand.


Operators of identity, privacy, security, and consent systems.


**(8) DURATION:** _Objective criteria for determining when the work of the WG has been completed (or a statement that the WG is intended to be a standing WG to address work that is expected to be ongoing)._


The charter is effective for one year after approval by a majority of the voting member of the ANCR WG and covers the publication of the TPI specification as a Kantara Recommendation and then proceed with items in the oadmap, next step being assessments using the TPI's with regards to consent by default, and the associated controller credential (see roadmap) this would generate.


**(9) IPR POLICY:** The Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy under which the WG will operate.


[Kantara Initiative IPR Policy](https://kantarainitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/KantaraInitiativeIPRPolicies_V2.0.pdf) - Patent and Copyright, Reciprocal Royalty Free, opt out to RAND,



**(10) RELATED WORK AND LIAISONS:** _Related work being done in other WGs or other organizations and any proposed liaison with those other WGs or organizations._


DIACC, ToIP trust registry and governance work groups,, Kantara ISO Liaison, aNG liaison, IEEE, W3C DPV and Consent Community among others. Previous activities and liaisons developed in the Kantara CIS WG. (now archived).


**(11) CONTRIBUTIONS (optional):** _A list of contributions that the proposers anticipate will be made to the WG._


**(12) PROPOSERS:** _Names, email addresses, and any constituent affiliations of at least the minimum set of proposers required to support forming the WG. At least 3 proposers must be listed. At least 2 of the proposers must be Kantara Initiative Members -_ [_current members list_](https://kantarainitiative.org/members/)


| **Proposers Name** | **Email** | **Organization (or Individual)** | **Voting Member** | **Affiliations** |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |


| Sal D'Agostino | sal [at] [idmachines.com](http://idmachines.com/) | IDmachines | x | Security Industry Association, ToIP, IEEE, Kantara |

| Mark Lizar | mark [at] [transparencylab.ca](http://openconsent.com/) | Digital Transparency Lab | x | Trust Over IP Notice and Consent Task Force |

| Gigi Agassini | gigi [at] [transparencylab.ca](http://openconsent.com/) | Digital Transparency Lab | x |


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