Extension 1: Purpose Specification (with 27560)

Extension 1: Purpose Specification (with 27560)

Extension 1 - 27560 Consent record information structure: Purpose Specification


  1. SUMMARY  

An Anchored Notice Record is specified to capture the data control relationship between the PII Principal and the PII Controller, utilizing the international ISO/IEC 29100 standard. 

  In this schema, this record is extended by a service which presents the purpose specification to the ANCR record, to generate a notice, notification or disclosure as required.   

  • For a person to specify and direct an electronic consent, or by a service to present a grant of consent for a specified purpose.  

  • As a source of authority for the PII Controller to process personal data.   

  • Linked, and presented / captured to record the state of security and privacy by default.   

  • This can then always be used to identify the Controller and link subsequent notifications.  The PII Controller details.  And by linking it to a notice, the record header is embedded in the notice, in a standard format.   

  • [Source ISO/IEC 29184 5.3.4][GDPR Art 13&14.1 (a)(b)][Convention 108+,   

  • This purpose spec schema is specified for the PII Controller, (data protection) but can also be used as record to assess a purpose by a Privacy Stakeholder.  

  • 7560 Notes  

  • The ANCR protocol is for generating a record of notice containing controller id and contact, this is always the event, in this regard the ancr_id maps to event id.  To this extend event schema section is not required 

  • The ANCR record is specified to 29100, in which the ‘privacy and security stakeholders’ are defined, in the context of the ANCR record, this means that any role (other than PII Principal) has a Controller id, relative to the PII Principal, in addition to the role for the specific context of processing - e.g.  - Processor,  recipient, 3rd party, which represent the processing role and activity relative to the ANCR record.   This enables liability and risks to be delegated and transferred amongst the stakeholders specified to a per process instance.  As a result the party_ID schema is incorporated in the ANCR Record ID, which is specific to a PII Controller, not a service or purpose. 


  1. Introduction  

Consent receipt – and record info structure – was conceived as a record which capture the notice of a PII Controller, or the notice context of the PII Principal.   

It is apart of an effort to standardized notice to open consent in order to decentralize data governance in identity management.   

In this regard, 27560 is specified with the utility of the consent receipt in mind, which is to specify the purpose of personal data use and risks so that people can make informed choices and control personal data.   


  1. Schema Interoperability 

  1. The ANCR protocol is for generating a record of notice containing controller id and contact, this is always the schema ‘event’ indicator, in this regard the ancr_id field maps to and replaces the event id field in ISO/IEC 27560 WD 5 consent record information structure (ref; 27560) 

  1. To this extent the 27560 ‘event schema’ section is not required. 

  1. The ANCR record is specified to ISO/IEC 29100 (ref;29100),  in which the ‘privacy and security stakeholders’ are defined, in the context of the ANCR record, this means that any role (other than PII Principal) has a Controller id, and stakeholder role, relative to the PII Principal,   

  1. As a result the party_schema is incorporated in the ANCR Record ID, which is specific to a PII Controller, not a service or purpose. 

  1. A 27560  consent record, which contains the PII Principal identifier in the same record, this would first need a consent receipt, with this purpose as proof of notice – or the record would demonstrate non-compliance with sources referenced in the ANCR record and rendered not interoperable with the ANCR record schema and spec.     

  1. In this regard, ANCR specification is interoperable for 27560, but 27560 is not interoperable with the ANCR record, as this breaks ANCR Record Security, and contravenes privacy considerations for management of the ANCR Record.  

  1. To address this we have introduced the missing link, which are the fields for a Proof of Notice ANCR record and receipt required to be blinded, consent to combine the records in such a way is evidenced.  Hence providing proof, securing the PII Principals data under the Principal’s control, as well as being compliant with legislation and 29184.  

  1. The ANCR record can itself be extended in to a Controller Credential When the ANCR record is used in a consent receipt flow it can also be used to. ToiP-Controller Credential - https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27722576  


  1. Schema Mapping  

The following mapping of the ANCR record schema is provide to conform to  instructions provided in ISO/IEC 27560.  To this extent, and accordance with ISO/IEC 27560 Art 6.2.3, this annex publishes the ANCR Record Schema’s at Kantara and hosted at the Human Colossus Foundation, for the Global Privacy Rights, public benefit Initiative.  

This schema is intended to support the PII Principal to aggregate purposes per controller, per record.   providing technical features to manage multiple legal justifications in a single service context.  

Section1 – ANCR Record - Operational Transparnec 

Section 2 Purpose Specification  is followed by  

Section 3: Data Treatment  and Rights 

Section: 4 Code of practice 

 Codes of practice can be approved and monitored which are used to combine multiple purposes together for an expected code of practice. A “Purpose Bundles” operated with a code practice can be approved and to operationalize privacy.   

  1. Anchored Record Schema ‘Structure’ Sections  

In addition to the consent receipt schema, the ANCR record schema provides a protocol for its operation. 

Section 1: Header: Proof of Notice  

Section 2: Purpose Specification, (ANNEX C –is also Extension 1)  

Section 3: Treatment Specification, W3C DPV  

Section 4: Code of Practice Profiles 

Section 5: Field Data Sources 

These refer to 27560 line – 362 WD4, where it calls out the need to reference the schema(s) information structure used, in addition to demonstrating the capacity to maintain documentation for its correct technical implementation.  - and conformance to the requirements specified in the 27560 documents. 


  1. ANCR to 27560 Schema (in draft for v08.6 - 0.9) 


ANCR Consent Receipt Section 




27560 Term 


  1. Header- Control Object 


Specified to be a toot recorded identifier 

Notice record id is used as root identifier for linking records about the status of privacy with that controller 

Record id 



schema version 






PII Controller Identity Object 

PII Controller Name 

PII Controller address 

 correspondence contact email 

correspondence jurisdiction privacy regulation 

correspondence phone 

Correspondence website 

Correspondence website ssl certificate 


Non-operational privacy contact point 





Privacy Contact Point Object 


Must have at least one field for the PCP  object 


Privacy Access Point Profile 


In-person access to privacy contact 


PCP email 


Privacy access phone 


privacy info access point, URI 


Privacy access form URI 


privacy bot, URI 


code of practice certificate, URI 





PCP Policy 

PCP privacy policy, URI 


ANCR focuses on a KPI – for the transparency performance of privacy contact access point 





Proof of Notice Object 

 Object labels 


Notice Type 

Notice, notification, disclosure 

Notice method 

Link / URL to the UI that was used to present the notice e.g. website home page 


Notice location e.g.ip address 

location Certificate 


Notice Language 

The language notice provided in 

Notice Text File 

URL – and or Hashlink for the notice text 

Notice text 

The capture of a copy of the notification text 

Notified legal Justification 

Implied or explicit notified legal justification based on the text of a notice and its context 


PII controller risks 


Uses notice type which would be equivalent to event type in 27560 





Concentric Notice Label 

Different but incorporates how to fame 27560 defined consent types 

Categorizes Notice Labels to indicate protocol for rights access and inherent risks 


 29184 – purpose specification 

  1. Purpose Spec - Object 

Purpose ID 






Service Name 






Purpose name  






Purpose Description 

Plausible RiSK - *can data control impact assessment) 





Purpose Type 






Legal justification  



Lawful basis 



Sensitive PII Categpry 






Special PII Category 






PII Principal Category 






PII Processors 






PII Sub-processors 






Risk notice disclosure 






Service Notice Risks 






PII Principal Category 





  1. Treatment 

Attribute Id 






Notified Collection method 



Collection method 









Storage location 






Retention period 






Processing location Restrictions 













Justification for processing (state of privacy)  
















  1. a) Code of Conduct/ 

Inherent to concentric labels - Rights Objects: withdraw, object, restrict, access and rectification, termination of justification, 

Regulated practice, approved be regulator or legislated 











Notice Defaults  






Data portability 






FoI-Access & Rectification 





4.b)Code of Practice 







Surveillance Code of practice  

Certified practice,  





Children’s Design Code of Practice  






Operational Privacy Code of Practice  






  1. Terms (wip) 


Purpose Bundle 

  • Code of Practice Certification - 

  • Badge -  

  • Pre-Consent Notice Lable Type 

  • Notify to confirm or change -  

  • Then start -  

  • Purpose Description – medical  

  • Vital interest 

  • Legal obligation  

  • Operational personal  data handle  (3rd Party)  

  • Approved by Regulator (yes/no) 

  • Certified Body - ? - Certification 

  • SSI – Gov – Principles – Codes of Conduct 

Purpose Name 

Purpose Label 

Ancor Notice Record ID 

ANCR Record Protocol 

  • An Anchor record is a PII Controller Relationship Notice Record, very similar to a PII Controller Credential, but instead of being provided by a specific stakeholder, this – micro-credential can be created as an ANCR Notice Record by the PII Principal.  

  • When a record or receipt is generated, it can use either this record, or a PII Controller provided record as the source record, for linking all of the subsequent record and receipts together.  This way both the PII Controller and Principal have corresponding (mirrored) records which are not directly linked and separately controlled.  

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