

How does this project fit with the strategy?


Project owner: Iain Henderson

Team members:

Iain Henderson

Celine Takatsuno



Project time frame to Completion: 3-6 months (from April 2020)


Reports: White paper

Specs: Generalised intentcasting  specification and reference implementation

Recommendation / Practices: Naming conventions/ glossary; community research

Problem space

Why are we doing this?

Problem statement

At present, individuals do not have the tools to signal their requirements or buying interests/  intentions to the market place in ways that protect their data privacy. And in turn, organisations do not have the capability to demonstrate true privacy by design in the management of marketing responses and sales leads.

Impact of this problem

This means that the norm at present is that the supply side has to 'best guess' what the individual needs, or is in the market for; and then use that best guess to drive un-requested communications. For the last 35 years or so; since that model of 'direct marketing' has been prevalent, then on average 99% of these un-requested communications go un-noticed or un-answered; and only around 1% of the 1% that do engage go on to complete a transaction. This is massively in-efficient and wasteful for all parties other than those who make money from enabling this methodology.

How do we judge success?

The goal of this project is to develop a working, openly available technology and contract-based platform with a reference implementation that works 'end to end'. That is to say, the platform covers the requirements of the 'buyer' and the 'seller' and shows how the needs of both parties can be met.

What are possible solutions?

JLINC Marketplace reference implementation will be the start-point on both buyer and seller sides; an API for engaging with standard CRM and e-commerce platforms for the communication component is also possible, using Salesforce.com as an early integration point.


What do we already know?

This initiative has been discussed now in Project VRM for over a decade and the concept is pretty well understood. We now need to make this concept tangible.

What do we need to answer?

We assume that if intent data can be made to flow in a privacy respecting way that organisations will wish to use it. That assumption needs to be tested.

What we don't as yet know is precisely how information sharing agreements will enable this; and what agreement we need to build for our reference implementation. The 'terms' of data sharing require further work.

What terminology will best be used to take this standard to market. i.e. is 'intentcasting' the best framing from individual and organisational perspectives; or can that be improved upon.

Ready to make it

What are we doing?

A standard specification for a base level intentcasting system; and working, end to end reference implementation of the Intentcasting standard. In advance of the specification and reference implementation, we will issue a 'workgroup projct recommendations paper' setting out the proposal for the various stakeholders.

Why will a customer want this?

It makes commercial and resource management sense for all parties, other than those who enable the current model (although they can evolve should they wish to)

Visualize the solution

This is an overview of a prototype working in the JLINC reference implementation sandbox.

Scale and scope

Scope is broad, to cover all things that an individual may wish to 'go to market' for. Scale is therefore large, but there are no significant technical barriers to surmount.

We would hope to have a first draft and reference implementation of by end Q2 2020.

Learn more: https://www.atlassian.com/team-playbook/plays/project-poster

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