2020-05-22 Meeting notes (ISI) Draft

2020-05-22 Meeting notes (ISI) Draft



Status of Minutes

Draft proposals for new business

Approved at: 




  • Celine Takatsuno


Discussion Items





 10 mins
  • Roll call
  • Agenda bashing

Thank you for joining the call today. 
This Work Group operates under the Non-Assertion Covenant IPR option found as an appendix to IPR Policies V2.0 that Kantara operates.
The Group Participation Agreement memorializes your acknowledgment of the terms under which you participate in this Work Group. Every person who has acknowledged the GPA is listed in the Participant Roster, as a voting or non-voting participant.
However, there are circumstances, such as in-person workshops or calls where non-participant guests may be present who have not acknowledged the GPA for this Work Group.

Every person on this call is strongly encouraged to acknowledge the GPA for this Work Group prior to any form of participation.
If you have not, or do not wish to, please Note Well the following before you participate in any form.

1) in accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policies V2.0, all contributions by voice are valid contributions alongside the much more preferred written contributions and while you still retain your IP, you grant Kantara copyright equivalent to the terms of the Non-Assertion Covenant without further condition or reservation.

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3) such contributions are not confidential or otherwise subject to the limitation in its distribution, including pricing or other competitively sensitive information.

Again, if you are uncertain about any matters, please remain silent and do not contribute anything in writing.



Intentcasting Background and Review

What we’d like to cover in our call is ‘User Stories', ones mentioned last week were:

  • buying a car
  • buying a house
  • buying the components of a trip
  • buying a pizza
  • buying clothing
  • buying technology
  • buying solutions
  • buying furniture

- indicating a willingness to receive discount offers/ deals, one of which results in a purchase

‘buying’ is the generic term, irrespective of the precise nature of the deal.

My preference would be to start with ‘buying a car’ as that is big and fairly easily understood as a purchase that requires a fair bit of interaction; it is also an area where the supply side is accustomed to having many different ways of gathering leads, and has a willingness to pay for them (not that that is a dependency for intentcasting; more evidence of flexibility).

It might help to remind of this draft intentcasting schema built for VRM Day Demo in Oct 2018.


Discussion on Call

Next meetingAll

*** Next call 2020-05-22 10:30 am Eastern DAYLIGHT Time


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